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  1. NovaAman

    Stella's Social Club

    We have a flock of turkeys in our backyard every winter. They've got us trained to leave them goodies. LOL I have seen them startled and FLY over my house. Looked out on my second story back deck one day last year and nearly peed myself. There was a hen on it. LOL. Anyway, the hens will come...
  2. NovaAman

    Stella's Social Club

    Fabulous! See, that's what I say! It just has to be healthy! Has too!
  3. NovaAman

    Stella's Social Club

    I think I would not have been so lucky with Ruby had there been a guy in the house... It is hard to give up a much loved pet. They really do become like family. :hugs
  4. NovaAman

    Stella's Social Club

    I am sorry you had to make that decision, but, sounds like it was the right one. He reminds me of my Rotten Ruby... I got her from a home that was not a good one. If I even said the word "potty", she'd drop and pee right then and there, and tuck her tail and cower. If I asked her to go out...
  5. NovaAman

    Stella's Social Club

    My sister lives in Knoxville.
  6. NovaAman

    Stella's Social Club

    That was a fun video to watch. I am still deciding whether or not to read all the pages, get to know some of you fine folks... Tough decision.... Well any way, thanks for the welcome!
  7. NovaAman

    Stella's Social Club

    I have been informed that I must needs join the club. So, here is my official entry asking to join.... Stella, May i?
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