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  1. P

    Neurological symptoms?

    She's almost completely better now, she's outside too
  2. P

    Neurological symptoms?

    Because nutra drench is vitamins and hydro hen is electrolytes/prebiotics. I give both in the water to all my chicks. Yes, I can tomorrow morning Ok
  3. P

    Neurological symptoms?

    Yes? It's called hydro hen Yes Yes
  4. P

    Neurological symptoms?

    Thanks, hopefully mine does the same
  5. P

    Neurological symptoms?

    Hmm, odd. This one does let me pick her up but other then that same symptoms it sounds like
  6. P

    Neurological symptoms?

    Yesterday I brought home 5 chicks, all seemed well but today I noticed one chick seemed "off". She's eating and drinking but I will come in and see her looking up or sometimes running in a circle. She's eating nutrena non medicated chick starter and has nutra drench and prebiotics/electrolytes...
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