Neurological symptoms?

Pampered chicken girl

Premium Feather Member
Apr 10, 2022
Yesterday I brought home 5 chicks, all seemed well but today I noticed one chick seemed "off". She's eating and drinking but I will come in and see her looking up or sometimes running in a circle. She's eating nutrena non medicated chick starter and has nutra drench and prebiotics/electrolytes in her water. Any ideas as to what's wrong with her?

Edit to add I am trying to give her vitamin E in some mash tomorrow
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Yesterday I brought home 5 chicks, all seemed well but today I noticed one chick seemed "off". She's eating and drinking but I will come in and see her looking up or sometimes running in a circle. She's eating nutrena non medicated chick starter and has nutra drench and prebiotics/electrolytes in her water. Any ideas as to what's wrong with her?

About 3 months ago, I brought home 4 fancy silkies from a professional breeder that I drove over an hour to get. I immediately saw one acting like yours, but add that she'd also shake her head. I've raised my own silkies for several years and even use medicated starter normally, but ran out, so these ones got regular Kalmbach's starter. I, too, gave Nutra Drench and Hydro Hen on alternate days. I contacted the breeder, who said she never saw this in any of hers and had nobody else say anything. I had also added 2 fancier ones of mine the same age, and bought a chocolate one at a poultry swap, so now there are 7 of them. I had them all in a brooder together for several weeks and could pick up and hold the other 6, but this one acted like I was killing it.

Fast forward to when they could finally go outside about two weeks ago. Suddenly, this behavior stopped. I have no idea if it's a coincidence. This chick who wouldn't let me near it, turns out to be the friendliest one of all of them now. I wish I knew what was wrong before, but as much as I tried, nothing helped.
About 3 months ago, I brought home 4 fancy silkies from a professional breeder that I drove over an hour to get. I immediately saw one acting like yours, but add that she'd also shake her head. I've raised my own silkies for several years and even use medicated starter normally, but ran out, so these ones got regular Kalmbach's starter. I, too, gave Nutra Drench and Hydro Hen on alternate days. I contacted the breeder, who said she never saw this in any of hers and had nobody else say anything. I had also added 2 fancier ones of mine the same age, and bought a chocolate one at a poultry swap, so now there are 7 of them. I had them all in a brooder together for several weeks and could pick up and hold the other 6, but this one acted like I was killing it.

Fast forward to when they could finally go outside about two weeks ago. Suddenly, this behavior stopped. I have no idea if it's a coincidence. This chick who wouldn't let me near it, turns out to be the friendliest one of all of them now. I wish I knew what was wrong before, but as much as I tried, nothing helped.
Hmm, odd. This one does let me pick her up but other then that same symptoms it sounds like
Hmm, odd. This one does let me pick her up but other then that same symptoms it sounds like
Because mine are silkies, I automatically think of vitamin deficiency, but gosh they already get what they need in the starter plus the extra vitamins we're giving. I even ground up sunflower kernels a few times to mix in the feed mash I make as that's got high Selenium and Vit E as I thought maybe she was getting wry neck. I guess it was just something she outgrew as she's fine now, so I hope the same is with yours. ❤️ It's just frustrating watching it for two months not knowing what else to do.
Because mine are silkies, I automatically think of vitamin deficiency, but gosh they already get what they need in the starter plus the extra vitamins we're giving. I even ground up sunflower kernels a few times to mix in the feed mash I make as that's got high Selenium and Vit E as I thought maybe she was getting wry neck. I guess it was just something she outgrew as she's fine now, so I hope the same is with yours. ❤️ It's just frustrating watching it for two months not knowing what else to do.
Thanks, hopefully mine does the same
This sounds familiar to me... I'm a brand new chicken owner and just got baby chicks yesterday. I've seen at least one of my Salmon Faverolles doing something similar. And all 5 of them are terrified of me and my mom trying to pick them up, whereas our similarly-aged and bought at the same time Sapphire Gem girls are generally accepting of us picking them up. They are much calmer birds. I guess this gives me hope that the Faverolles will be fine once they get outside in their coop and may be less neurotic. All 12 of my baby chicks are in a bath tub for the time being, they have more room than they did in the TSC stock tank.
Yesterday I brought home 5 chicks, all seemed well but today I noticed one chick seemed "off". She's eating and drinking but I will come in and see her looking up or sometimes running in a circle. She's eating nutrena non medicated chick starter and has nutra drench and prebiotics/electrolytes in her water. Any ideas as to what's wrong with her?

Edit to add I am trying to give her vitamin E in some mash tomorrow
Pamps you are mixing Nutri-Drench with something else?

Is she still doing this this evening?
Are you sure she's eating the feed?
I just want to make sure you're not overdosing your chicks on something by mixing these two things together.

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