Baby chick poop normal?


Apr 2, 2024
I have a chick that’s a few days old, pretty small but otherwise her energy seems normal. She is eating and drinking. I wanted to know what “normal” chick poop looks like, because hers seems a bit runny. It’s not completely liquid or anything, but not firm. Should I be concerned, or is this fine? I have her on a medicated starter crumble feed and sugar water to keep her energy up since she’s a bit weaker as a runt. Her brooder is set up so that one side is warmer and one is cooler, giving her the option to sleep in the most comfortable temperature.

I attached a picture of what her droppings have typically looked like this past day.


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Tip: always turn off the red light on photos, can't see a thing with it on.

Chicks produce all sorts of weird looking poops, and runny ones are common. Most of the time they're completely normal and not an indication of anything. If she's eating and drinking well, then that's about what you can do for her as a runt.
Yeah, that looks pretty normal. Don't worry about it! Congrats on getting chicks! First time or not it's always amazing to have the littles around!

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