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  1. Pocket Money Poultry Farm

    Murray McMurray hatchery?

    BLRWyandotte~ Good luck on your chicks! When I ordered, all McMurray sold was St.Run chicks in the BLR. As I mentioned I ordered 6. They sent me 4 female & 2 male. Hope your ratio of female to male is as good or better than mine. I'm very pleased...
  2. Pocket Money Poultry Farm

    Murray McMurray hatchery?

    I have 6 of McMurray's BLR Wyandottes. All are healthy and growing well. They're 4 weeks old. I think they're pretty but they're far from SQ birds.
  3. Pocket Money Poultry Farm

    Murray McMurray hatchery?

    I received my order of Wyandottes, 35 of them, on 1/30/12 for McMurray. Had one DOA in the box when I opened it. Had 8 die within the first 48 hours. I have not lost any chicks after the 48 hour time period. The remaining chicks are healthy and growing well. You call the hatchery at the end...
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