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  1. Pollito Pelon

    My Attempt at a Dual Purpose Heritage Flock

    The are the birds have no sleeping time. It's all feeders and drinkers hanging with the light bulbs 24/7 I have raised cornish chicks in the past to adulthood very healthy birds at 8 months 2 did have newcastle and died but had 3 hens at 12 and 13lb
  2. Pollito Pelon

    My Attempt at a Dual Purpose Heritage Flock

    I know breeders in mexico have 4.5kg about 9.92lb At 4-5 weeks ready to butcher But these type of birds die in an instant with a simple sneeze Currently raising buff orpington cross for selling egg layers and naked neck for meat but rhode island red are very popular I have been asked about meat...
  3. Pollito Pelon

    My Attempt at a Dual Purpose Heritage Flock

    One question, so there are other breeds of chickens that are fast growth not just the standard cobb500 or cornish cross Broilers? I'm interested in getting Fast growth chickens for sustainability as well
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