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  1. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    Beautiful! I loved your birds. I would have bought some from you but I had a standing order at gFF. The p.o. Lost them and they were d.o.a. And just replaced the week before Chickenstock. Wish I had known you were raising them locally . How do you like the breed? Did they do well for you in...
  2. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    Sorry you are still under the weather... Hope you get some relief soon!
  3. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    Are you feeling any better?
  4. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    I would have loved to have seen the demo too. It was a very busy day. I am bringing the kids next time to watch the goods n chicks so I can spend time socializing. I am also going to buy some cover. Time for an easy up or whatever you want to call it!
  5. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    Water everything in good early morning and in the evening. May take a week or so before everything gets re established. Good luck with your broody!
  6. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    I had ordered and hatched a bunch of babies at the same time...they were doing that with the boxes too! I am looking at the Greenfire Coop and asking what the heck is that red chick in there? My Sussex have a sulmtaler hen in there and a white CCl hen and an orust that wanted to be with them...
  7. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    Well, it was good of you to take them in! Barcode is such funny name!!!
  8. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    Lol...I can see them in that chicken commercial taking a road trip! Glad that all your other birds were fine. Can't imagine wiping out my flock for trying to do something good~ which would be my luck! However, I read one article on the Cemani's that said they are believed to be...
  9. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    Lol...We were on the backroads of Vienna....I knew he was coming because I have eyes in the back of my head. I saw him coming as he flew over my shoulder and jumped on the dash then steering wheel then on the floor. Reminded me of a two year old when they throw something over your shoulder when...
  10. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    can you just change your name or do you have to do a new account?
  11. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    Oh Poop...Wish I would have known you still had them! Well, let me know how you make out with your Cemani hatch. I may have to pay you a visit if you aren't going to keep all of them!
  12. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    LOL....Good thing If it was not that beautiful delaware rooster on my gas pedal I would have been toast!
  13. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    I liked being able to participate in Chickenstock this year! Thanks for the invite and everyone who made it happen! Especially our gracious host & family! I would def do another one this summer~ I did appreciate the CNY location though... I had time at the beginning and end of my day to feed...
  14. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    Thank you Nutty and your family for hosting Chickenstock! It was very cool. Nice to meet all of you today. I know I missed meeting a few of you though! Can't wait until the next Chickenstock! Thanks to those of you who picked up something from us today! Thanks for supporting local!
  15. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    Packing up now: if anyone is interested: EE born 5/10 Bringing some annuals and perennials: Can't wait to meet you all!
  16. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    X2...Feel better. I am not sure if you have ever tried steeping the root of ginger in hot water and adding fresh cinnamon...That seems to soothe me when I am in flair. If you are flu fighting just add cayanne and honey and lemon too!
  17. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    So it is!!!
  18. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    What's the address for Chickenstock?
  19. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    Okay- Well, i will catch up with you while i am there anyways. Thanks
  20. Purpletie3

    2015 New York Chickenstock

    Pyxis...what do you have for female legbars??? I have 5 GFF legbar packing peanuts with no women!!!
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