2015 New York Chickenstock

I plucked MJ out of the nest box that morning as well as one of the twins..I love the name Lady Lola!! I guess she was the one that was still sitting. I called them the Unbreakable broody twins...guess she still is. I'm so glad that you love them. I miss them already, but know that they are in a good home.
I'm sure that my little girl will be happy to know that you love them so much!!

I have to tell you that Saturday night when I was locking up I started to freak out when I wasn't getting the correct numbers and started looking frantically around for the missing chickens. I was so upset when I couldn't find them and tried to figure out which chickens were missing..Then I stopped and realized...DUH... they are at their new homes..Even tonight I had to think twice when I didn't get the right number.

i did the same thing a few weeks ago, when i gave a roo baby to a friend, i though it escaped the shed somehow lol, they are both so sweet and made an almost singing sound when i gave them the eggs :)
i did the same thing a few weeks ago, when i gave a roo baby to a friend, i though it escaped the shed somehow lol, they are both so sweet and made an almost singing sound when i gave them the eggs :)
They were singing for joy that they got their own eggs. They had been sharing boxes with other broodies stealing some of their eggs. They are good girls. I wish that I didn't have to give them up.
I have to tell you that Saturday night when I was locking up I started to freak out when I wasn't getting the correct numbers and started looking frantically around for the missing chickens. I was so upset when I couldn't find them and tried to figure out which chickens were missing..Then I stopped and realized...DUH... they are at their new homes..Even tonight I had to think twice when I didn't get the right number.
When I let cowboy take 2 of my hens ...I had the same problem ...how many chickens am I supposed to have ? LOL
They were singing for joy that they got their own eggs. They had been sharing boxes with other broodies stealing some of their eggs. They are good girls. I wish that I didn't have to give them up.

i will send you lots of updates, as well as pics when i replace my phone, smashed the screen clambering around in the back of the truck after chicken stock
I will type this without corrections so here's the skinny on what I've been up too.

Got here before the babies arrival and lord have mercy the traffice is horrendess. I was ear marked to drop off DD and her Dn she had to go to the hosp. I was nervous about getting backhome. She was overdue and they wanted to do a C section but DD said no. They'd enduced her but things were slow. Baby came hard and the cord was wrapp;ed about her neck but she started breathing after 4 min. DD and DH were a wreck of course, but calmed after some time. DW and I were home with the GS so we did not have to got htrouhgh that.
So we were busy with all that. Backa nd forth to the hospital for the frist few days. One car not easy.

SIL parents moved here from CA. but they had a rental and not sure how to get around either. It was crazy. So DD came home but then nearly had to go back in because she got sick. She was/is a high risk pregnancy. She has not be able to nurse but pumps milk.

So we rent a car. But the rain, rain, rain. AND the storms. We didn't experience the flooding in our neighbor hood but the road did flood to just to the end of the drvie, We had plans for DW and I to take two days to go to Galveston but the storms and driving put it off. We'd never been so we didn't want to go unsure of where we were going and there being more rain. We'd also hoped to drive to Waco, but then the shootings and again the rain and not sure where we were going. I'm not complaining since folks here have lost loved ones and others their lives.

So we did go to Old town spring, which we'd been to and got lost a bit. It was nice, but touristy and a bit run down. DW found a fabric store she likes so we will go back. I expect to spend a few dollars there.

The "farmers market" of course was an experience. Mostly Mexicans I think. Chickens in cages and most not clean looking. Goats, rabbits, peacocks, finches, puppies and even ponies for sale. There is so much construction going on it's disheartening. Housing tract after housing tract going up. I will say Texas does plant lots of trees though. They don't however have a recycling law.

SIL parents are wealthier than us and are staying in a temp apt. for what I've been told $3,000. a month. They also are having a house built in the same complex as DD and SIL. They know no one but SIL and DD. The grandkids here are all they'll have. They are transplants form the UK. So of course we've spent time with them. They are very nice. Today was SIL fathers B-day so we went there for a party. There is a pool in there apt. complex so we did go swimming. Today is the only day it hasn't raind since we've gotten here. It was fun.

I'm using DD's laptop from school. and it's been hard. I bought tablet since arriving and it's been a pain literally. My shoulder and arm from holding it. I can't see me keeping it for long. DW using it more these days.

I've also been making some house repairs.
It's not an old house but the screws came out of the kitchen door and it nearly fell off. I was worried I wouldn't be able to fix it. A pipe leaked inside the garage wall and a friend capped it off. I put new sheet rock over the hole. DW opened the back door and the knob came off so I had to fix that. There are some repairs DD doesn't want me to fix cause she has plans. Put a new light up in the outdoor entry way. THEN THIS AM THE BUILT IN MICROWAVE BROKE!

DD is so cheap with the airconditioning we've had to complain cuz DW and I can't sleep. It's rained but it's still hot. This is the child who used to call me the "heat Nazi".

My DS called to say he'll be going to Alaska for his job transfer. I have no idea how we'll get to see him and his. $800 or there abouts for one person. 13 hrs or something like that. DW has plans to go tot Florida, where they are now, in July. I'd not planned to go but wonder whe n I'll get to see my grandkids after they move to Alaska.

So that's the scoop, minus the rants about their dog, which has taken to peeing on the upstairs carpets and cats and omg, my grandson just goes and goes. I swear this kid is not human. I keep looking for the battery compartment. We play follow the leader sometimes after dinner and I just drop afterwards.

I need to go home just to get some rest.
The chicks are adorable - do they loose some of their white as they get older, as I see other colored feathers still coming in? I've never had Millie Fleur Cochin chicks before, so I'm not familiar with how they feather out.
The Momma broody is doing good. I think she's still looking for her "chicks" though. She didn't appear any different than my other Cochin who just hatched out chicks, too, and hardly ate while sitting - despite my attempts to get her to.

@ myfivegirls................... the chicks will molt a couple more times before they get their adult feathers. I would think each time they moult there will be less & less white. Their Dad was either the Mille roo, whose color is a beautiful rich fawn with the black & white markings with black feather in his hackles & tail, or the black mottled. So I don't expect the babies to keep all that white. Please post pics as they change

Thanks - I thought that was the case, as I've been following the Aloha project, and they often loose quite a bit of white after molting several times. Yes, I'll post pictures as they grow. They are so sweet and docile, I was snuggling with one and it was softly "chipring" like I've had the adult bantam Cochins.

I gave the two broodies eggs on the way home, and the other "twin" tucked them underneath. Once we got home, I took the eggs out, but she's still "sitting" alot - so I may give her some eggs back & see if she'll go broody.
She's very sweet, and she's acclimating to other new bantam Cochin hen.

Yes, I had someone ask me how many laying hens I had yesterday, and I told them "37", including the ones that are raising chicks; then I realized that I now have two more,
although they're technically for going broody & raising chicks, so if they lay eggs it's a "bonus". Plus, I recently switched around hens in the breeding groups, and I have yet to memorize
how many are two of the groups, as the hens keep changing which coop they're roosting in at night!

Went to close up the Bielefelder group last night, and there was the "escape artist" Swedish Flower Hen, who's recently decided she likes the Bielefelder's coop and nesting boxes better.
So, she flies over several fences (3 ft) or squeezes under some gaps in the grass paddock fences that I haven't found yet.
I switched grass paddocks where I knew she was getting out of, but she's still doing it!

She was escaping this earlier in the year, and digging up grass before it started to grow. I finally got her to stop,
but now she's wanting to join the other group. Now, I have no clue if she's laying 1/2 Bielefelder eggs or not!
And I think she's teaching some of the others how to "escape", as I've found eggs laid in a dog crate that wasn't where they were supposed to be.
Thanks - I thought that was the case, as I've been following the Aloha project, and they often loose quite a bit of white after molting several times. Yes, I'll post pictures as they grow. They are so sweet and docile, I was snuggling with one and it was softly "chipring" like I've had the adult bantam Cochins.

I gave the two broodies eggs on the way home, and the other "twin" tucked them underneath. Once we got home, I took the eggs out, but she's still "sitting" alot - so I may give her some eggs back & see if she'll go broody.
She's very sweet, and she's acclimating to other new bantam Cochin hen.

Yes, I had someone ask me how many laying hens I had yesterday, and I told them "37", including the ones that are raising chicks; then I realized that I now have two more,
although they're technically for going broody & raising chicks, so if they lay eggs it's a "bonus". Plus, I recently switched around hens in the breeding groups, and I have yet to memorize
how many are two of the groups, as the hens keep changing which coop they're roosting in at night!

Went to close up the Bielefelder group last night, and there was the "escape artist" Swedish Flower Hen, who's recently decided she likes the Bielefelder's coop and nesting boxes better.
So, she flies over several fences (3 ft) or squeezes under some gaps in the grass paddock fences that I haven't found yet.
I switched grass paddocks where I knew she was getting out of, but she's still doing it!

She was escaping this earlier in the year, and digging up grass before it started to grow. I finally got her to stop,
but now she's wanting to join the other group. Now, I have no clue if she's laying 1/2 Bielefelder eggs or not!
And I think she's teaching some of the others how to "escape", as I've found eggs laid in a dog crate that wasn't where they were supposed to be.
I had ordered and hatched a bunch of babies at the same time...they were doing that with the boxes too! I am looking at the Greenfire Coop and asking what the heck is that red chick in there? My Sussex have a sulmtaler hen in there and a white CCl hen and an orust that wanted to be with them. I just left them for now as no one is breeding yet.

We all have a bunch of houdini's!
Poor rancher. You do need to come home and rest! I hope dw isn't overdoing it. You either.

Yet another silkie Hen has gone broody. Dh had to force her back into the coop to lock up. Guess I'll give her back some eggs and let her sit. I'm going to have babies this year I guess. They might as well do their job as I already have 5 in the brooder.

Going from hot and humid to cool and rainy is driving my body crazy but I'll take it. We need the rain. I just hope all the plants I got at chickenstock take hold in this rain.

Time to release the raptors. I hear loud whining coming from the coops!!!

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