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    Look honey at the deer... omg thats a coyote!

    Quote: If you use a good stance when shooting recoil won't be a problem. It might hurt a little but it won't knock you over. The more you practice the more you get used to the recoil and the better you get. Press the butt of the rifle in to you shoulder and lean froward slightly. hold the...

    Look honey at the deer... omg thats a coyote!

    Quote: There is your likely answer - new growth shelter. You know they can smell those chickens - 20 acres isn't that far. A coyote with his 100X sense of smell is likely drooling at that distance. And this time of year there are hungry kits to feed... and to learn about chickens if you dont...

    Look honey at the deer... omg thats a coyote!

    I asked my husband if the "kick" would knock my over and he said "Maybe" Guess I better warn the neighbors to keep their heads down....

    Look honey at the deer... omg thats a coyote!

    The coyotes are always way out in the field 20 acres away or so but this one was 10 feet from the house. My 13 year old was right on my heels as we went screaming out the door. Shes gotta a little crazy in her just like her momma! I just got done mowing a 20 foot perimiter around the house. I...

    Look honey at the deer... omg thats a coyote!

    Litteraly 3 feet from the coop was what I thought was a deer but when I stopped and looked out the kitchen window again I realized it way a Coyote. It was 3pm and sunny. I screamed and took off out the back door like a mad woman in my bare feet. The coyote froze, looked at the chickens, (who...
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