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  1. Serrin

    What the HECK was THAT?!? New pics on post #48 All in the brooder now!

    Quote: And ya know what's even better than Incubator TV? Brooder TV!!! 24/7!! All the cuteness you can handle and then some! I have wasted (according to DH) an entire day today, pretty much just playing with little chickies! It's been almost a year since we've had wee ones around. And nearly...
  2. Serrin

    What the HECK was THAT?!? New pics on post #48 All in the brooder now!

    Quote: *gigglesnort* Should I name that one "Sonic" maybe??
  3. Serrin

    What the HECK was THAT?!? New pics on post #48 All in the brooder now!

    Well, it's all done! They're all out!! I got every single one that went into lock down!! WOOOHOOO!!!!! 18, yes EIGHTEEN chicks total! Pictures! OMGosh! We have to have pictures of this, don't we??? OK, how about these? First, this is the brooder area I set up in the bathtub of the new house...
  4. Serrin

    What the HECK was THAT?!? New pics on post #48 All in the brooder now!

    15 safely hatched and healthy chicks currently in the incubator. I'd give y'all color counts, but they won't hold still long enough!! Pictures coming just as soon as I can get them into the brooder. I gave up trying to fight the camera, fight the incubator, and fight with Photobucket. And all...
  5. Serrin

    What the HECK was THAT?!? New pics on post #48 All in the brooder now!

    Apparently these little babies don't believe in any long, drawn out hatching events!! The count is up to 12 now. It's very hard to see inside on account of the condensation on the windows. There are but six eggs left to go and I can't even begin to tell if the two EE eggs have pipped or not. I...
  6. Serrin

    What the HECK was THAT?!? New pics on post #48 All in the brooder now!

    Yes Ed!! I think it's safe to say that my current state of mind is definitely EGGCITED!!!! I woke to another little chick that is nearly identical to Eve, only a little smaller. Within about an hour after that, I have two more out and stumbling around!! Poor little things! It's just not fair...
  7. Serrin

    What the HECK was THAT?!? New pics on post #48 All in the brooder now!

    Well, this is what things looked like at 9:00 pm PST in my incubator: And then about 15 minutes after that: And then another 10 minutes after that.....Please join me in welcoming Eve to my little flock! I have no idea what went into her makeup. I'm not even sure of which flock she...
  8. Serrin

    What the HECK was THAT?!? New pics on post #48 All in the brooder now!

    6!!! We now have SIX!! Six eggs pipping!!!
  9. Serrin

    What the HECK was THAT?!? New pics on post #48 All in the brooder now!

    Quote: Thanks Ed...and oh yes! I know he's telling me the truth when he says he can't hear them. Deaf as a post he is! And it's a shame really. It's such a sweet sound! Get your hands on a stethoscope first chance you get so that you'll be able to hear them too Ed. I wish I had thought to do...
  10. Serrin

    What the HECK was THAT?!? New pics on post #48 All in the brooder now!

    Mrs. Fluffy Puffy : Quote: That's what I though, too!!! Congrats on the chicks !!! ( Was I drooling??? ) Ya know, that was my second thought, right behind something just short circuited in the 'bator! Update: I HAVE PIPS!!! : I HAVE THREE EGGS PIPPED!!! And they're chirping like crazy...
  11. Serrin

    What the HECK was THAT?!? New pics on post #48 All in the brooder now!

    So, I'm just sitting here at the computer, minding my own business, enjoying a morning cup of tea, when from behind me, somewhere in the vicinity of my work table that the incubator sits on, comes a loud POP!! What the heck was that??? It almost sounded electrical in nature and I'm thinking...
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