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  1. S

    Chickens everywhere! This group is an animal advocacy group and are vegan. I am trying extremely hard to keep my opinions to myself right about now..... anyway, ahem. They WILL deal with the problem, I am almost sure....and they are about an hour from you. Why not contact...
  2. S

    Chickens everywhere!

    I think that last picture is of a nesting box and not an actual coop. That's where the chickens are supposed to lay their eggs, unless I am mistaken. They may not even have a coop!
  3. S

    Chickens everywhere!

    Hmmmm. I'm completely and totally against animal rights activists and organizations, especially the rabid/militant type. But as long as they exist, you might as well get them to do something useful, lol. Those kinds of folks will definitely do something about it!!! These poor neglected...
  4. S

    Chickens everywhere!

    I'm looking forward to hearing the solution that OP implements in this situation. Honestly, I feel like anything is fair game at this point!! I'll stop trolling now, haha
  5. S

    Chickens everywhere!

    Perhaps animal control could make themselves useful by adopting out a chicken eating dog in their facility to you, then....? Be sure to specify you want a chicken eater. A large one.
  6. S

    Chickens everywhere!

    Good, so it will also be a civil matter when you catch and rehome those chickens.... or eat them, lol
  7. S

    Chickens everywhere!

    Great post!! Sending the neighbors a bill for damages might light a fire under their rears as well
  8. S

    Chickens everywhere!

    Wow, sorry about this. I've had wandering chicken issues in the past too, at one place a neighbor was feeding them and buying straw bedding for under her porch and totally encouraging the chickens to hang out there. At another place they were doing some minor garden damage and I fenced in an...
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