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  1. ShrekDawg

    Chicken Breed Focus - Silkie

    Not entirely related but figured I'd post this here sincd this is a Silkie thread and I saw it in my subscriptions when trying to find another thread, didn't even think of this one at first hah Anyway, my friend's friend is getting rid of his rooster if anybody wants a rooster! She just texted...
  2. ShrekDawg

    Chicken Breed Focus - Silkie

    If you got them from Tractor Supply or other similar farm store or from s hatchery then unfortunately a lot of those silkies won't really have a crest or poor ones. And they are often a lot bigger than SOP ones. theyre like dinosaurs LOL that's probably the case. For the nice full crests...
  3. ShrekDawg

    Chicken Breed Focus - Silkie

    That's a great idea!
  4. ShrekDawg

    Chicken Breed Focus - Silkie

    Hmm, maybe Easter Eggers aren't a great idea then. Thankfully the bullying seems to have basically stopped. I'm not even sure if it's real bullying or just normal pecking order and I just hate seeing them be "mean" lol the Australorps used to jump the Orps and one mounted an Easter Egger last...
  5. ShrekDawg

    Chicken Breed Focus - Silkie

    Aww no it's not late! Mine seem pretty sweet, though some of them fight back if they get bullied and others just run so it may vary even in my own flock. But fortunately no one really gets bullied anymore and if they do it's mostly just a peck or two to say hey get out of here/this is my...
  6. ShrekDawg

    Chicken Breed Focus - Silkie

    I don't think it's dumb at all! I've heard of tons of people showing them so I assume they do! They're gentle, sweet birds (from what I've read) and not as flighty (again, what I've read, even just above) so easy to handle. Plus people breed for the really pronounced, nice crest, and lots of...
  7. ShrekDawg

    Chicken Breed Focus - Silkie

    That's great they're so alert!! And very nice they're not as flighty! I may have to grab some haha But oh wow, seems like they would make a nice omelette then! Those eggs are pretty big! Didn't realize they were so big!
  8. ShrekDawg

    Chicken Breed Focus - Silkie

    Silkies sound like such a great breed! And I hadn't realized they were good layers or how big the eggs are! I was surprised from pictures because I thought bantams had small eggs lol although, for me, being the pork chop that I am, I don't think it would be enough.. I can eat a couple normal...
  9. ShrekDawg

    Chicken Breed Focus - Silkie

    Ahh sorry, sent it before I finished typing! Lol Anyway, wow, I never even noticed that! Yet those are all breeds I've heard are really gentle and friendly true so it must be true! Or actually, maybe it's just because people tend to think breeds like that, especially fluffy ones, are "cute"...
  10. ShrekDawg

    Chicken Breed Focus - Silkie

    Wow, thank you so much for the great response!! Thinking about it, it does make sense that they would bully smaller or gentler birds - seem they bully anything different from what I've heard. And even if they didn't bully them, you have a point about size. Even normal politics could probably...
  11. ShrekDawg

    Chicken Breed Focus - Silkie

    So, Sylvester (or anyone that knows), do you think then that even Buff Orpingtons and Black Australorps are too assertive? I always hear how friendly and gentle they are. :( what about easter eggers? Cause we now have all those as you can probably read but I'd like Silkies eventually. Maybe...
  12. ShrekDawg

    Chicken Breed Focus - Silkie

    Okay good, thank you. :) But hmmm, that's really interesting. I wonder if maybe it's just like a throwback trait? Sort of like how some dog breeds occasionally get a color/pattern or coat type that's not.common? And like I know Labs have sooooo much more variety than just the three colors...
  13. ShrekDawg

    Chicken Breed Focus - Silkie

    Ohhhh okay, then that makes more sense then and sorry if I offended you or anyone. :/ I guess I assumed it was because Sylvester said they did it to make the crest poofier but maybe that was previously and now it's an accident. Still take issue with the dog side though. :p lol
  14. ShrekDawg

    Chicken Breed Focus - Silkie

    Silkies are sooo adorable and cute. Absolutely love all the fluff - I just think it's so funny. Hope to add some eventually, perhaps in spring or next fall. However, I'd also like to add some other LF breeds that I didn't get to this time around, such as Speckled Sussex and maybe some Wyandottes...
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