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  1. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    I don't think they will unless they are bantams.
  2. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    The new dimensional shipping really sucks! Horizon has come up with a new box that will make it under the limit but it seems really small to me. Photo of new box next to the old box Shipping eggs hasn't changed. If you use the USPS Priority boxes (even the large) you wil be fine.
  3. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    Close but I have barnies and SL bantam cochins :D
  4. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    I know I'm weird but I just don't like them :(
  5. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    I know I'm weird but I just don't like them :(
  6. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    There were too many other things about the Brinsea that I did not like. Those stupid egg racks were horrible to get adjusted just right while keeping the eggs up right and forget candling. LOL I hated to take the eggs out so bad. The brinsea that I had the turner was TOO FAST. It scared the...
  7. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    Thanks for all the info! I want to use it for call duck eggs but mostly as a hatcher. I have a Humid-Kit so I won't have to worry so much about keeping humidity levels. I've not used a roller style turner but those who have them seem to really love them. I just might be the only person on the...
  8. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    I love love love my cabinet!
  9. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    How do you like your incuview? I am thinking of getting one for a hatcher.
  10. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    Use reply. Don't feel bad it took me forever to figure it out too :)
  11. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    In the crazy 24 hour auction thread.
  12. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    And you just about to win more hatching eggs in my crazy 24 auction. LOL :ya
  13. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    I did yesterday! I was just wondering where everyone was. I wonder if the early arrival of chicks to TSC has folks not wanting to hatch when they can get instant gratification?
  14. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    Sounds like a plan!!
  15. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    My bator has been running solid since March. I am OVER it. LOL But since I placed my rooster I wanted to grab some olive eggs while they were still fertile--so that's my excuse and I am sticking with it. Meanwhile, the serama pens are all in disarray as I move everyone around in preparation...
  16. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    LOL and I don't want to hatch anymore seramas this much so, that when one of my little hens decided to stubbornly go broody I gave her some large fowl eggs. She is determinedly covering 3 olive eggs. I swore I was going to turn my bator off too.....but just one more hatch .....yea...
  17. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    I'm holding out until Pyxis has some from her project pens. LOL She knows what I mean I've already got so many things going on that I can't do another purebred bird.....well not until I get pens built
  18. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    Ok thanks! It's usually right at the top so it didn't occur to me it might be buried. LOL
  19. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    How come I can't find the crazy 24 hour auction thread anymore?
  20. SilksterTN

    Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

    Wow they are super nice! Heck, I'd take those culls anyday ;)
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