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  1. TJAnonymous

    26 week old flock and no eggs? Is something wrong?

    I don't know much and there are numerous people on this board who are more experienced than me.... But I think it looks like eggs were laid before they finished layering on the shell. Like the process was interrupted. I remember seeing a thread a while back about different things that could...
  2. TJAnonymous

    26 week old flock and no eggs? Is something wrong?

    Since you like large eggs... Check out this giant. The brown egg is a normal chicken egg from my RIR. The smaller white egg is a normal duck egg from one of my my Pekin ducks. And then.... The monster egg! I swear it looks like a goose egg or something. Poor duck. I bet that hurt.... 😂
  3. TJAnonymous

    26 week old flock and no eggs? Is something wrong?

    I feel your pain. I have 20 young pullets (BO, Black Australorp, Ameraucanas, and Blue Andalusians) who are 20 weeks old. None are laying yet. To add insult to injury, I'm currently getting only 2-3 eggs per day out of my 14 adult hens (10 RIRs, 3 BOs, and 1 Ameraucana). My adult Ameraucana...
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