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  1. TK Poultry

    Chicken Sperm Banks

    Quote: It's not cost effective to freeze the sperm, breed the hen and find out a week or two later that none of the eggs are fertile. The poor little suckers don't have a chance.... How much easier it would be if poultry sperm were like bovine or...
  2. TK Poultry

    Chicken Sperm Banks

    Quote: I agree and tried to state that. Poultry sperm isn't like Equine or Bovine it behaves differently because of different adaptations. I just dont thing its POSSIBLE for us because we don't have the poultry researchers they do in the UK.
  3. TK Poultry

    Chicken Sperm Banks

    Quote: That is not the premise of this post. Please let me remind you of what was stated: Cost aside, would it be feasible to make rooster semen available to other breeders across the country? So, after you read this, and bother to read what Karen Powers wrote, only a "JOE BLOW" would...
  4. TK Poultry

    Chicken Sperm Banks

    Quote: Exactly coupled with the experimental nature it is unlikely to catch on unless we can lower costs and make it reliable in an at home basis. It makes more sense to do it with larger animals because you will be able to get A.) more money out of the offspring and B.) it is done on a...
  5. TK Poultry

    Chicken Sperm Banks

    Joe Blow being the average Joe trying to do this in the a backyard setting and doing this domestically. I don't doubt that any of these people are doing this BUT i just don't think that this makes much sense when you could just buy hatching eggs and that professionals are not doing great with...
  6. TK Poultry

    Chicken Sperm Banks

    here is a paper that says Unfortunately, cryopreservation of swine semen has not been as great a success. Still, recent research has succeeded in defining new parameters for freezing and thawing swine semen and commercial breeders are expected to apply this new information. The technology for...
  7. TK Poultry

    Chicken Sperm Banks

    What's that mean. We have all established that the majority of people agree that we here in the US don't ship chicken sperm. I was reitterating a point that in the US we don't do it. We have also established that the sperm dies very easily. even if shipping was available it wouldn't be very reliable
  8. TK Poultry

    Chicken Sperm Banks

    Usually when someone AI's the hen is in a pen that is just steps away they deposit the sperm and PRESTO! Its not like cattle where you can ship semen and even eggs. chickens are maybe lacking in that department BUT we are able to ship live adults and chicks more readily and ship hatching eggs. I...
  9. TK Poultry

    Chicken Sperm Banks

    Quote: yeah you can't flush a chicken a put another chickens egg cells back like you can a cow.
  10. TK Poultry

    Chicken Sperm Banks

    I've only bought local hatching eggs and I always get at least 85% hatch but I've never had eggs shipped. I prefer to get live birds shipped. That unlocks some stock that otherwise you would be unable to have. I've had birds shipped from Wisconsin to Indiana and from Ohio to Indiana with no...
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