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  1. TonysChickens

    Quails are hatching!

    Lost one quail so far, i think it suffocated when it stuck its head under the paper towel. 27 left now.
  2. TonysChickens

    Quails are hatching!

    Yes they are! Two yellow ones with a faint brown bars just like those. One is more yellow than the other (less pronounced bar). So far I have 26 hatched, and 2 zipping, 1 pipped, and a wiggle. Most of the larger eggs show no movement though :(
  3. TonysChickens

    Quails are hatching!

    Thanks! I have 17 hatched now! And another light color one, so two of those. I wonder what those will turn out looking. Hope I get a male and female pair to mate them!
  4. TonysChickens

    Quails are hatching!

    My coturnix are hatching! I had 60 for lockdown, and so far on day 17, I have 14 hatched, and more pipping. Too bad the larger eggs are not pipping yet. Out of the hatched ones, I have one that is particularly lighter color, both skin and feather are lighter than the others. The feather is...
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