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  1. TwoChicks

    ACK!!!!! My chicks are here!!!!! and it's a blizzard!!!!

    YES!!! I think it's a Buff brahma!!!
  2. TwoChicks

    ACK!!!!! My chicks are here!!!!! and it's a blizzard!!!!

    Hi guys - The little sleepy one is still hanging in there. He is waking up and making his way to the waterer and drinking several good gulps, then goes and gets a few vittles then sleeps again. He is a lot more wobbly than the rest, but then again, so am I in the morning. Maybe he's meant...
  3. TwoChicks

    ACK!!!!! My chicks are here!!!!! and it's a blizzard!!!!

    Quote: Hey Glitterbug! You're not too far from me, I'm in Blue Ridge (Greer) towards Landrum. It's been snowing HUGE flakes for a couple hours at work, but no accumultion and it's melting as soon as it hits the roads. My step-mom sent me some pics of her house and it's a LOT of...
  4. TwoChicks

    ACK!!!!! My chicks are here!!!!! and it's a blizzard!!!!

    No, we didn't request anything specific, except not to substitute the blue silkie. Since we didn't order all specific breeds, I was hoping for some packing peanuts. Thanks, I'm off to see if the sweepy chickie is doing ok ... will post more later.
  5. TwoChicks

    ACK!!!!! My chicks are here!!!!! and it's a blizzard!!!!

    Well, the only one I was certain of was a DOA, the blue silkie ... the rest are asst bantams and brown-egg layers.
  6. TwoChicks

    ACK!!!!! My chicks are here!!!!! and it's a blizzard!!!!

    Out of 8 ordered: 4 DOA, 1 possibly dying, 3 seem healthy. No packing peanuts sent. Help ID'ing? .... well post pics soon ... This is the one who may be dying. He seems vewwy sweepy. And laid all stretched out like a cat a couple of times. He's eaten and drank a little, chirps, walks...
  7. TwoChicks

    ACK!!!!! My chicks are here!!!!! and it's a blizzard!!!!

    PO just called ... going to drive through blizzard to get my peeps!!!! Yay!!!!! Pics to be posted soon .... She said they were chirping, too! Woo hoo!!!!
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