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  1. WannaBeHillBilly

    One of these days…

    :gigYour duck is right: I have no clue who is making those weird noises on the radio, Britney Aguilera or Christina Spears. Oh wait they';re already old too… :celebrate
  2. WannaBeHillBilly

    One of these days…

    :lau I bet that was the German duck who said that! :gig
  3. WannaBeHillBilly

    One of these days…

    Seriously?! - They're not even one year old. At what age are duckies being slaughtered in the industry?
  4. WannaBeHillBilly

    One of these days…

    :thumbsup :gig:lau:gig:clap
  5. WannaBeHillBilly

    One of these days…

    Another one of these days!!! On Sunday i rushed to get the Rhubarb, tomato and pepper plants into the ground before the forcasted big rainstorm - that turned out to be a lame shower… I watched the thermometer anxiously overnight, heater on standby but we never reached the freezing point. All...
  6. WannaBeHillBilly

    One of these days…

    Not that one broom, but a fast blinking LED flashlight. Scares them all to death, not only run they into their house, they also hide in their bedrooms and scream… :( I hate myself for doing this every time i lost my patience. It requires extra duck-crack the next morning to regain their trust.
  7. WannaBeHillBilly

    One of these days…

    Limpy always pretends he is unable to get out of the pool, struggling with this feet, flapping his wings and refusing to use the ramp! But when i point the garden hose at the pool he's out in a second! He sits the whole day in that thing, even when it is raining cats 'n dogs, but Garden-Hose...
  8. WannaBeHillBilly

    One of these days…

    Whow! I wasn't aware that you have such bad snowstorms in Colorado! I thought that'd be more something for Montana, the Dakotas, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
  9. WannaBeHillBilly

    One of these days…

    At least Muscovy ducks perch in the trees and are safe(r) from predators than my Mallard derived ducks. They have to go inside over night! Maybe i should get a racoon costume and scare them…?
  10. WannaBeHillBilly

    One of these days…

    :gigYes, i would never hurt one of my birds on purpose! And another yes, my ducks remind me unmistakably when it is dinner time…
  11. WannaBeHillBilly

    One of these days…

    Of course i spoke Deutsch (German) to him first, i called him a "Lumpi Duck" - the German word "Lump" means villain, rascal, … - Don't remember what language i was using the second time i had to drag him out of the pool and when he pooped, but surely everyone would have understood what i was...
  12. WannaBeHillBilly

    One of these days…

    You miss out a lot of comical situations! Today all is well, i won't grab Limpy by the throat and can laugh about it too. Do chicken never do things like this?
  13. WannaBeHillBilly

    One of these days…

    That's the advantage of not having neighbors: I actually stripped on the back porch and walked butt naked to the shower, throwing my soiled cloths into the washer on the way.
  14. WannaBeHillBilly

    One of these days…

    Hi friends, do you too sometimes have one of these days where (of course only in your fantasy) would like to grab one of your ducks by the throat and start turning slowly… ? I swear next time i' gonna grab Limpy by the throat and … Told my wife a hundred times not to feed meal worms to the...
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