Awh...hillbilly I’m so happy to hear that limpy is doing well.
Just the other day my husband looked out the window and saw me chasing my beloved Judy around the yard with a crowbar!
He came out with a look on his face like he was almost afraid to ask me if I was okay...
Was a windy day and I had been wrestling a tarp for hours (seriously).
I couldn’t figure out why she kept pestering me. I whipped off my sweatshirt threw it on the ground and picked up the crowbar and ran off some frustration know I’d never ever hurt any of my birds.
My husband reminded me I hadn’t eaten....and Judy & the girls were trying to tell me “it’s lunchtime”. They wanted their lunch! :oops:
So yeah...been there and done that :highfive:
Oh my!! Thanks for sharing with such detail. I could picture the whole experience! Too funny! Yes! I can relate. Our muscovy have gotten to where they forage constantly and eat so little feed making it hard to get them to follow to go anywhere. I tried mealworms as was suggested. My ducks would not touch them. I tried and tried but they simply would have nothing to do with those expensive morsels. I returned them.
I will get a few following to go in at dusk but then others would have nothing to do with going into the coop and influence the others to change their minds. I need to find some kind of treat that they absolutely love. They used to like live worms but it seems that their taste palates are inconsistent.
Hi friends,

do you too sometimes have one of these days where (of course only in your fantasy) would like to grab one of your ducks by the throat and start turning slowly… ?

I swear next time i' gonna grab Limpy by the throat and …

Told my wife a hundred times not to feed meal worms to the ducks after five pm (sounds like in the Gremlin's movie eh?). If they have their late meal worms, they don't want to go inside.
It was raining on and off the whole day here, so the "grass" between the house and the duck-burg has turned into slippery mud.
At 8:30pm i cut an iceberg salad, dropped it into a bowl with luke-warm water garnished with some meal-worms and went out to collect the duckies. Nona and Erpelchen came running immediately, had their test bite and then followed me like little pet-dogs to the duck house. Followed by all other ducks except Limpy who sat rasping in the duck pool.
All ducks inside the house i walked up the hill to drag Limpy out of the water who insisted he wants to sleep in the pool tonight. Do you know that grown up ducks can do that "topedo" thing too? They just don't torpedo through the water but create a huge splash that will soak you. The ground around the pool is muddy and slippery and in the end i was crawling on all four to reach into the pool and drag the drake out. Not risking any further escape i carried him back to the duck house, where the other's had just gulped down the salad and started to run back out again.
Threw Limpy into the duck house and herded the others back inside, everybody was in when i heart "Rasp! Raaasp! Raaasp!" from behind - Limpy! In the pool again!
ImGonnaGrabYouByDaThroat - Drake! Same procedure: Me again on all four crawling around the pool, Limpy splashing and emptying the dirty pool water all over me, i swear all the other ducks were standing at the door laughing at me! Finally i got him and while i carried him down to the duck house i felt something warm soaking into my shirt… Thank's Limpy! That shirt needed a thorough cleaning anyways…

So that's my story for today, have you experienced one of these days too?

:lau :yuckyuck

Thankfully, I only have three, but I have had similar experiences lately on a smaller scale. Mine are pretty good about going in if they’ve had a good long day out. However, they have to go inside if no one is going to be home, and there are days that they have to go in early on what would otherwise be considered a perfect duck day.

Daphne gets extremely stubborn and will repeatedly run to her pool and swim to the most inaccessible spot while the two ‘Scovy sisters split up and dodge and evade all attempts to herd them in. Meanwhile, while I chase the ‘Scovies, Daphne enjoys a good swim. I will eventually get the two little ones in and then spend a disturbing amount of time retrieving Daphne from her pool. After catching her, I will go to put her in and the ‘Scovies will quite often escape causing me to repeat the process.

I’ve told them that Muscovy and Rouen ducks are supposedly extremely tasty and that they’re lucky I don’t stick them in a stew pot, but they remain unfazed. Bad bad birds!
Mine are usually ready to go to bed at night for some reason. BUT my similar story is every single time I have to bring in the pine shavings package they freak the heck out!. They all run in the duck house which is exactly where I am going with the shavings so I open the big door and then they all run down their ramp flapping those wings
I pictured myself in a similar situation tonight as I was cleaning up their water buckets and pool in their slippery, slimy, stinky mud run. It would be so easy to lose footing and go down. Get the hose, strip down and hope nobody drives by and sees you!
That's the advantage of not having neighbors: I actually stripped on the back porch and walked butt naked to the shower, throwing my soiled cloths into the washer on the way.
At least you did not get another STD. Did you try speaking to him in Deutsch ?
Of course i spoke Deutsch (German) to him first, i called him a "Lumpi Duck" - the German word "Lump" means villain, rascal, … - Don't remember what language i was using the second time i had to drag him out of the pool and when he pooped, but surely everyone would have understood what i was saying! :gig
Awh...hillbilly I’m so happy to hear that limpy is doing well.
Just the other day my husband looked out the window and saw me chasing my beloved Judy around the yard with a crowbar!
He came out with a look on his face like he was almost afraid to ask me if I was okay...
Was a windy day and I had been wrestling a tarp for hours (seriously).
I couldn’t figure out why she kept pestering me. I whipped off my sweatshirt threw it on the ground and picked up the crowbar and ran off some frustration know I’d never ever hurt any of my birds.
My husband reminded me I hadn’t eaten....and Judy & the girls were trying to tell me “it’s lunchtime”. They wanted their lunch! :oops:
So yeah...been there and done that :highfive:
:gigYes, i would never hurt one of my birds on purpose!
And another yes, my ducks remind me unmistakably when it is dinner time…

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