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  1. Wattles

    Two shorthaired Pointers got 10 of our chickens

    OMG, no way - that's exactly what my neighbors said to me in an official letter they sent to me! I haven't sent my response to them but I'm quite offended by that remark. I will diplomatically state that it's none of their business what pets I have and that does not excuse their dog's actions...
  2. Wattles

    Two shorthaired Pointers got 10 of our chickens

    chickenfarmer wrote: I'm so sorry for your loss. I had one neighbor ( a lawyer) offer me $200 for his dog killing some of my chickens. I wouldn't accept it because I was so angry and didn't want to make him feel better. My chickens were penned in their run and the dogs broke in. I was in my...
  3. Wattles

    Two shorthaired Pointers got 10 of our chickens

    Cara wrote: I couldn't agree with you more. Unfortunately the majority of dog owners are not as committed to exercising their pets (hence the large number of obese animals), and i'm sure you'll agree that the GSP isn't your average family dog. They are awesome dogs if you work with them, but...
  4. Wattles

    Two shorthaired Pointers got 10 of our chickens

    Lee, I know what you're going through. I just went through it in early Nov. and it still hurts. I'm so sorry. It's devastating to be invaded in such a way, to see pets you've raised from babies ripped up and lifeless. It makes you angry. I hope you catch the culprits soon. It's the fault of the...
  5. Wattles

    Two shorthaired Pointers got 10 of our chickens

    I have had both German wirehaired pointers and viszlas and I guess I have been able to fulfill their high exercise requirements because seldom have I experienced the sort of behaviour you're describing. I would certainly never allow my dogs to wander off alone, wherever I lived, as they could...
  6. Wattles

    Two shorthaired Pointers got 10 of our chickens

    A the city?!?! May as well shoot them as sentence them to a life of misery. Why do you think a pointer can't live in a city? If given the proper exercise and playtime, any type of dog can live in a city - large or small. I live in the city and run with large dogs all the time at...
  7. Wattles

    Two shorthaired Pointers got 10 of our chickens

    We need to . . . breed a chicken that can kill a dog. I like it! We need to develop a super-bad giant chicken breed with fangs, giant spurs and claws - kinda half-dinosaur, half-chicken but a super-jumbo egg layer and one who looks all cutsey-pie like a Silkie or Ameraucana, in order to confuse...
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