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  1. Wyorp Rock

    New hens in quarantine but displaying symptoms, not sure how to proceed

    Equimax horse paste has 140.3 mg/ml Praziquantel, 18.7 mg/ml ivermectin. Dose is ~0.033 ml per pound, or 0.16 ml per five pounds. It would be good to get a weight on them so you can give as...
  2. Wyorp Rock

    New hens in quarantine but displaying symptoms, not sure how to proceed

    Praziquantel doesn't treat Gapeworm:) I hope all goes well for you.
  3. Wyorp Rock

    New hens in quarantine but displaying symptoms, not sure how to proceed

    You are on the right track with using Praziquantel (Zimectrin Gold) for treating the Tapeworms. Neither Safeguard nor Ivermectrin are going to treat Tapeworms. Safeguard is great for treating most worms that poultry can have excluding Tapeworm. Ivermectin is still good for treating...
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