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  1. Zenzilicious

    Hen squawking periodically (Gross Picture)

    I forget the dosage but we have 5 gallon waterer, and I just follow the spoonage on the bottle.
  2. Zenzilicious

    Hen squawking periodically (Gross Picture)

    She seemed to be doing better, she was sitting up, walking around and this morning I found her passed away :( I saw a couple posts about Nutridench killing chickens. We put poultry cell in out water, we have since chicks. Could that be contributing?
  3. Zenzilicious

    Hen squawking periodically (Gross Picture)

    I didn't see any maggots, just lots of poop. She hasn't laid an egg yet. We got her in May, so she should start laying soon-ish, but not yet. She is looking better. Haven't heard any sqauwking yet. However, have her seperated in our quarantine coop & run for now until we are sure.
  4. Zenzilicious

    Hen squawking periodically (Gross Picture)

    Thankis for the towel trick, I was able to clean her easily!
  5. Zenzilicious

    Hen squawking periodically (Gross Picture)

    Hello! Easter Egger Hen was squawking when I went outside to feed them today. She looked very lethargic and let me pick her up (abnormal). I noticed her vent area was very poopy. I soaked her bottom in a bucket of water and tried to clean a bit, but she was flappy like mad. There's still muck...
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