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  1. amandauc09

    Broody Hen? Can I stop her?

    UPDATE: Yesterday morning when I let everyone out, my broody girl was acting very strange and persistent on getting into the coop (almost like she needed to lay an egg)! Sure enough, I let her in and left her there all morning and she LAID AN EGG! Thank you to everyone who stuck by me and...
  2. amandauc09

    Broody Hen? Can I stop her?

    I will try that, thank you. I only wonder what else could cause her to stop laying, sit in nesting boxes (get very territorial while sitting in them) and pluck out her chest feathers. When I had let her in the coop at night, I was blocking off the nesting boxes so that could have been why she...
  3. amandauc09

    Broody Hen? Can I stop her?

    She has never had an issue with going to roost, when its time to roost she does, even while in her broody state. She was in the crate for 48 hrs this weekend and I let her out once yesterday with the others. he was fine, just grazed and walked around. I put her back in the crate overnight...
  4. amandauc09

    Broody Hen? Can I stop her?

    No real change. Toady is day #2 without leaving her broody jail. I don't know how long I should really leave her in there, until she lays an egg?
  5. amandauc09

    Broody Hen? Can I stop her?

    Yes, I've already done this. She hasn't been sitting on any eggs for over a week, but she is still definitely broody.
  6. amandauc09

    Broody Hen? Can I stop her?

    Thank you all for your insight and sharing your personal experiences! Sounds like I’m going to keep her in the cage full time, except for the times I let them free range. Should I give her something to perch on at night in the cage?
  7. amandauc09

    Broody Hen? Can I stop her?

    Hello, I am into year two with my three hens (2 Black Sex Links and 1 Red Sex Link) and all has been going well, everyone laying an egg a day, until recently (about two weeks ago. I started to notice one of the black sex links was staying in the nesting box while the other two would come out...
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