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  1. bigmrg74

    The Walking Dead - Lucille says that there will be Spoilers. Listen to Lucille!!

    Not really sure that I like that much of a time jump. Its now what at least 5 years since Rick has left the group and he hasn't made it back to Alexandria?? The movies are going to have to have a Damn good reason to for Rick to have not come back, like the Helicopter took him to like an island...
  2. bigmrg74

    The Walking Dead - Lucille says that there will be Spoilers. Listen to Lucille!!

    Well, her nickname from Uncle Darrell is Little Shitkicker. Show why wouldn't she grow into becoming a MF bad arse??
  3. bigmrg74

    The Walking Dead - Lucille says that there will be Spoilers. Listen to Lucille!!

    Missed last weeks episode and finally got caught up tonight with that episode and tonight. Man, looks like next week is going to be intense. :barnie
  4. bigmrg74

    The Walking Dead - Lucille says that there will be Spoilers. Listen to Lucille!!

    Gotta admit, right there when Janis had Negan all tied up there and swung Lucille an inch from his face, I almost peed a little.
  5. bigmrg74

    The Walking Dead - Lucille says that there will be Spoilers. Listen to Lucille!!

    Yeah, but that's going to be the old "Clearing" Morgan before he ran into the guy with the goat and the bo staff.
  6. bigmrg74

    The Walking Dead - Lucille says that there will be Spoilers. Listen to Lucille!!

    Yeah, that was pretty intense there with her leading up into the shredder. we all though she just might jump in as well. How pissed is Negan going to be when he figures out that Simon wiped out the Garbage People??
  7. bigmrg74

    The Walking Dead - Lucille says that there will be Spoilers. Listen to Lucille!!

    Actually, Andrew Lincoln has used his own voice before on the show. He was the British news reporter that did the radio news reports we heard back in the episode when Tyreese was bitten and was dying.
  8. bigmrg74

    The Walking Dead - Lucille says that there will be Spoilers. Listen to Lucille!!

    It must have happened while Carl was struggling with those other walkers with that new guy who had the walker traps. Yeah, me too. From the sounds of things Negan brought a little order to a pretty shitty place, but how in the heck did they get so many A-holes there to get that place set up to...
  9. bigmrg74

    The Walking Dead - Lucille says that there will be Spoilers. Listen to Lucille!!

    We would have seen zombie animals if that was the case. If anything, it leans some weigh to the theory out there that the Walker virus, or whatever it is that everybody already has, was developed to wipe out humans, or at least reduce our numbers in a hurry. There's some out there that...
  10. bigmrg74

    The Walking Dead - Lucille says that there will be Spoilers. Listen to Lucille!!

    I was kinda mad at that last episode as I thought that they had mowed down Jerry in that attack. But boy did he kinda surprize me when he chopped that Arsehole Savior in half. I was kinda hoping Shiva would be the one to get him, as death by Tiger is a fun one. Damn shame that they took out...
  11. bigmrg74

    The Walking Dead - Lucille says that there will be Spoilers. Listen to Lucille!!

    There's was something I saw earlier how the producers would like the franchise to go on another couple of years, become a property like Star Trek or Star Wars. Don't think they can really do that, as sooner or later the walkers are just going to fall apart and not really be that much of a...
  12. bigmrg74

    The Walking Dead - Lucille says that there will be Spoilers. Listen to Lucille!!

    I'm just waiting for them to dig deeper into Negan's backstory.
  13. bigmrg74

    The Walking Dead - Lucille says that there will be Spoilers. Listen to Lucille!!

    That is an excellent point. They should be walking into branches that are on trees and on the ground as well. another plus for going off and living in the woods somewhere. Just be sure to stick some wind chimes in around a big thornbush away from your base and that would do well to mess them up.
  14. bigmrg74

    The Walking Dead - Lucille says that there will be Spoilers. Listen to Lucille!!

    Something that's been bothering me, they have never gone back to check on the pit. you would think that it would likely fill up again. Personally, I would have blocked it off again, and now I'm thinking about welding some gates to a heavy vehicle to block the pit access road. Then with the...
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