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  1. coffeemama

    Anyone on day 18-We've got chicks and PICS! pg 3

    Aww Yay! Does anyone have any fluffy pics? I'm doing a chick photo session today
  2. coffeemama

    Anyone on day 18-We've got chicks and PICS! pg 3

    Quote: If you haven't already, I would open both up because the hatching chicks will raise the humidity. I don't like t help in hatching, but my humidity jacked way up to 83 last night, and now I have two halfway zipped chicks that are stuck by the membrane. I helped one out and may do the...
  3. coffeemama

    Anyone on day 18-We've got chicks and PICS! pg 3

    I have some photos to share-the light was not good, and the little peeps wanted to snuggle down in the sheepskin! Here are 3 black tailed white Japanese bantams d'uccle bantams-I think these are blue-maybe mottled-possibly black? another d'uccle and my silkie babies-no idea on the color...
  4. coffeemama

    Anyone on day 18-We've got chicks and PICS! pg 3

    Yay! for everyone! I have 2 blue d'uccles, 3 Japanese, 1 silkie, and 2 EEs out so far. I have a bunch more pips-so I'll keep everyone updated. You all update me too!
  5. coffeemama

    Anyone on day 18-We've got chicks and PICS! pg 3

    That's great that you bought your family farm! I love Wenatchee-it is really beautiful!
  6. coffeemama

    Anyone on day 18-We've got chicks and PICS! pg 3

    Oh that's good fowlwoman1! I'll have to look up red broilers-don't think I know them. Are they meat birds? I just had another egg that was marked as a japanese come out a weird color. Don't know if that happens with them or not. So now I have a total of three japanese chicks out.
  7. coffeemama

    Anyone on day 18-We've got chicks and PICS! pg 3

    Now I have 2 japs out, and two EEs zipping, and 2 more bantam pips. It's funny cause it's only day 19 and my temps are not high. This happened last time too. I also notice that the different breeds tend to all hatch at the same time. Lats time all of my wyandottes hatched first, this time the japs.
  8. coffeemama

    Anyone on day 18-We've got chicks and PICS! pg 3

    Wow Sandra-that's a lot of eggs! I have a chick out! It's a black tailed white jap. Super cute! I also have some EE pips and another bantam pip. How's everyone else doing?
  9. coffeemama

    Anyone on day 18-We've got chicks and PICS! pg 3

    Quote: LOL I love how you approximated the measurments! Welcome to the waiting thread rooster-red!
  10. coffeemama

    Anyone on day 18-We've got chicks and PICS! pg 3

    I have some chicks that are peeping now-not sure if I heard silkies can hatch a little early....maybe it was late, I dunno I'm trying to get a second hatcher stabilized so that I can put my EE eggs in, but that may not happen.
  11. coffeemama

    Anyone on day 18-We've got chicks and PICS! pg 3

    How exciting! I've got to go in and get my eggs off the turner. Trying to decided if I want to do the carton method or not. I forgot to say in my original post that I have 39(I think) eggs due to hatch. I'm crazy!
  12. coffeemama

    Anyone on day 18-We've got chicks and PICS! pg 3

    Today is day 18 for me-starting at 12pm pacific. I have a variety of bantams in the bator-frizzled cochin, japs, wys, d'uccles, silkies, and some LF EEs. I also have 4 EEs under my broody hen. I'm to get some silkies and d'uccles, and anything else will be a bonus! With my hova1588 I can go all...
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