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  1. dancingbear

    What to do with all the Roosters???

    BA=(my guess) Black Australorp? could be Blue Andalusian. Or Blue Australorp. They also come in white. People sometimes forget that a set of initials could stand for more than one thing. And forget that a breed may be available in more than one color, if one is the most popular. People often...
  2. dancingbear

    What to do with all the Roosters???

    Eat 'em! IMO, if they need to go away, they may as well go to the freezer. Even if the bird's only big enough for one meal, hey, that's a meal! The scrawniest birds I've ever butchered turned out to have more meat on them than they look like. If it's gotta die, it's going in the freezer. O...
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