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  1. gunnermccaw

    5 month old roosters and hens are beginning to stay inside hen house/roost during the day.

    Update: We gave Roo 2 to a friend with 36 hens and no rooster. Needless to say he loves his new home. The smallest pullet laid the first egg of the group of 5 hens. The egg is about her size.....tiny! Now I see why the roo was mounting her. I thought it was because he was just, well...
  2. gunnermccaw

    5 month old roosters and hens are beginning to stay inside hen house/roost during the day.

    I have one Roo who is either picking on the smallest hen or trying to mount her. My head Roo always comes to her rescue. I think it's 50/50 mount vs mean. One time he grabbed her wing though and Roo 1 got after him. It's always the same agitator. Maybe we should get rid of him? Thank you for...
  3. gunnermccaw

    5 month old roosters and hens are beginning to stay inside hen house/roost during the day.

    My 5 hens and 3 roosters(accident) come down from the roost inside the hen house and into the run a daylight. But in the last 2 weeks they have begun to go back into the roost several times a day. If I go out there, they will come down. Most days they are put out into the yard and never...
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