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  1. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    @orrpeople I'm sorry but that's funny:lau It's not, I know. I have been unbelievably lucky with all my birds. Well, not my EE roo, but all my girls for sure. The first chicks learned to put themselves to bed before they even moved outside. This is the littles first night in this coop. They've...
  2. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    Successfully moved the chicks into the big coop tonight. We herded them a tiny bit, then locked up and left them to it. The big girls were on the roost already. Went back to check on them after full dark and they are on the landing at the top of the ramp at roost level.:woot
  3. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

  4. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    Oh wow, beautiful! I see why you like them. 2/3 the size means more birds right? Lol. Is Toby a splash version or a different breed? I'm sorry, I don't know much about different breeds and how to tell them apart yet. Working on it!
  5. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    @orrpeople I looked up the SBs after your question. They do look a lot alike don't they? You're right, they're standards and lay a nice sized brown egg. Sage green eggs, I bet those are pretty! I read that SBs were formerly Isbars. Are they bantams though?
  6. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    Thank you! They're blue Australorps
  7. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    Here's my babies. The cockerel I'm keeping is front and center, also keeping the 2 blue pullets. I'm hoping I have a home for the little black roo in the back.
  8. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    Left the coop doors open at sunrise and the littles were left on their own with the bigs today. I came home from work and all is well :yesss: The littles ain't so little these days.
  9. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    @orrpeople I'm sorry you're going through this :hugs Good luck, whatever you decide. Thanks for the link to the article, I'm going to read it today.
  10. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    My littles put themselves to bed last night. They were out all afternoon, no issues with the big girls. My roo goes to freezer camp this weekend and littles are moving into the big coop. They've been getting scratch & peck in the evenings or some pigeon feed and love to scratch in the dirt...
  11. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    I added some green stuff to the compost pile and watered it. Got the hose on the lemon tree now, the big birds are enjoying it. Littles are running around the enclosed yard getting into things. Swept the patio and added more poop to the compost pile. Hubs forgot the border for the back and one...
  12. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    My littles are going into their coop everynight but not on the roost yet, although they do use it during the day. Think I might have 2 cockerels out there, the big blue boy and the black one :rolleyes:
  13. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    Hope you have a BIG compost pile!
  14. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    My blue boy is crowing. He sounds adorable.
  15. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    Anyone giving their littles treats? I gave the chicks the end of a pumpkin yesterday and a piece of watermelon today and they gobbled them up. I also gave them a little piece of dried out french bread one day. They pecked out all the innards and left the crust. They love mustard greens, dill...
  16. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    :hitI have tissues if anyone else needs them :lau
  17. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    Went out to close the coop and the chicks have learned to go into their enclosed area at night without being put there.:yesss:
  18. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    I've let the littles out into the chicken yard because the girls are done laying eggs for today. It's warm out there so they're hiding in the shade. I go out to check on them from time to time.
  19. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    My little blue cockerel. He's about a week older than the other 3 So far the other 3 look like pullets. The boy is in front here.
  20. igorsMistress

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    Can't wait to let the littles out in the yard tomorrow. They're going to love it! They ate a suet cage full of parsley, cilantro, and mustard greens but left the Brussels sprouts. I had to cover them with a box the last two nights because they won't go in their coop. Tonight I'm climbing in...
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