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  1. laughingdog

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    Quote: i mostly kept sid taylors, butchers, and sweaters, though to be realistic i didnt get them directly from those breeders, so they would more just be called OEG and forget what other types would be called (its like calling a line originally bred by DR. magoo, magoos wen the breeder has...
  2. laughingdog

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    darn.. if i still had my games, id ship. ive had no trouble getting my free range games to lay in their houses, but the layer and meat crosses were stupid and just layed were ever they happened to be at the time. i had a special neat house made, and they preferred to lay and roost in the goat...
  3. laughingdog

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    Quote: oooohhhh.... i think im in love with them!
  4. laughingdog

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    ok.. so poll time! standards or bantams, which is your fav or least fav of each and why?
  5. laughingdog

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    Quote: In the not too distant past, the folks keeping, breeding and using this complex of breeds were among this country’s leaders at the national and local levels. They were generally highly respected. The folks involved with gamefowl are / were also leaders in respect to their knowledge...
  6. laughingdog

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    only trouble i have with my games, is that the hens are too mean with each other in the sid's i keep for now still, as they routinely kill each other, and any cock especially if they dont want to let him breed, and he tries to get pushy about it (the count is nine at least so far). makes it...
  7. laughingdog

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    sucky enough, im being forced to move or get rid of all my animals but two kept in cages constantly, and under forty pounds, so having to try to sell off my white hackles and sid taylor crosses with bantam (though considering hoping the baby cockerels are quiet like their daddy, and might be...
  8. laughingdog

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    Quote: Many working with other foul invest less in anti-predator management. Exception is with some of the cooping systems. Many also seem unwilling to consider use of dogs. These differences may be related to value of birds and the fact keepers of non-games more likely to be in urban...
  9. laughingdog

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    good to know others have strong watchful games as well, its just that in other groups everyone keeps saying how vulnerable foul are in general, and keep losing chickens and pigeons, but the one whatever sex it is, is just so vigilant and seemingly hateful of hawks, as well as others so smart to...
  10. laughingdog

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    here maybe an odd question.. does anyone have hawk troubles, or do all true game birds just see them as sparring partners and/or food?
  11. laughingdog

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    thank you alot pop! as was curious how long itd take to get what most would consider true game blood, looks, and quality out of. they are already betyter than my other games, just not sure how theyll look act when adults as only about (just under to over) half grown. they already have mamma's...
  12. laughingdog

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    ok, so im wanting to take the half breeds from my sid taylor hen and breed them out true to get cocks and more hens at least as good as her, but maybe bantam. i have a pair from her and one rosecomb, though they look pure, except one or two end flight feathers like father slightly colored...
  13. laughingdog

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    we just dont want you to put the money in and be disaponted, and besides that, with great birds, we get the eye candy!
  14. laughingdog

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    if your going for hatchery stock, itd be better all around to just find cock, and then mate him to someone's layers, and buy bator for eggs, and brooder. itd be cheaper and better quality.. lol when i mate game cocks to layers, they come out great hens with some toughness and all around good...
  15. laughingdog

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    darn. beaten to it!
  16. laughingdog

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  17. laughingdog

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    always thought a carpenter's knife would work well for dubbing, as the new ones come razor sharp on inside, with a better curved hook.
  18. laughingdog

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    ok just realized how my question sounded... hahaha yes know what generally grit is and how i works (some finding reptiles need grit too, and why they get impacted eating odd things.), but around here told to get grit being some mix of things seemingly like sand pea gravel, and other...
  19. laughingdog

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    what exactly is grit, as was told here it was commonly crushed oyster shell, but mine only seem to occasionally eat the ground.
  20. laughingdog

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    i just feed mine a mix of dog food, chick feed, laying pellets, and exotic bird food, as well as alot of scraps, and mine seem to be the glossiest birds ive come across. ooh, almost forgot i feed alot of feeder insects that i keep huge bins with some having eighty pounds of giant cave roaches...
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