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  1. le neige homme

    no animal by- product feed- help please!

    So here's the idea I'm cookin' up for the guppies... These troughs are really sweet, I've had one set up as a temporary koi pond before. I could set up a series of them, sharing the same filtration system, and harvest the guppies in...
  2. le neige homme

    no animal by- product feed- help please!

    Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay : Quote: I look forward to the explantion you have for your assertion that commercially produced feeds will kill our poultry. Okay, picture it...a flock of 65 chickens. Their feeders are fed with layer pellets and they go crazy, climbing and jumping all over each...
  3. le neige homme

    no animal by- product feed- help please!

    Quote: At this point, they're all non organic except for the veggies and comfrey from the farm. Rectifying this is simply a matter of time and money. My boss feeds the same ingredients, in a different recipe, and uses all organic with the exception of the black oil sunflower seeds. So she's...
  4. le neige homme

    no animal by- product feed- help please!

    Quote: Have I not mentioned that I live/work on an organic farm? Maybe not. But I did mention that I sell my eggs at the Farmers' Market. Ergo, I am a farmer. You wanted my resume, there's part of it. Thanks.
  5. le neige homme

    no animal by- product feed- help please!

    Quote: That's pretty much how I roll these days. I made the decision that I need to either: 1. do the deed (raise and process my own meat) 2. pay the price (not really an option for me now) 3. don't eat meat. So I go back and forth between #1 and #3. #2 just isn't an option. But on...
  6. le neige homme

    no animal by- product feed- help please!

    Quote: I am not new to chickens, it is these particular chickens that are new to me. Perhaps if you were to relocate and start anew with chickens, people would be right to assume that you had no prior experience as well?
  7. le neige homme

    no animal by- product feed- help please!

    Quote: ah-ha! Therein lies the thing that makes me go "hmmm". Let's keep chickens so we can get away from the industrial food system and have "farm fresh" eggs in our backyards...but let's feed them the flotsam and jetsam of that very system? It just doesn't make sense to me. That type...
  8. le neige homme

    no animal by- product feed- help please!

    Quote: ah-ha! Therein lies the thing that makes me go "hmmm". Let's keep chickens so we can get away from the industrial food system and have "farm fresh" eggs in our backyards...but let's feed them the flotsam and jetsam of that very system? It just doesn't make sense to me. That type...
  9. le neige homme

    no animal by- product feed- help please!

    Actually, the commercial feeds are nothing but a byproduct of our own cheap, broken food system. It is nothing but garbage and filth designed to be poured down a bird's gullet for a couple years, until she's made into soup and replaced by the next Spring Chicken.
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