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  1. okiechick57

    What ONE person ?

    :aww I am so sorry..... caringbridge is a wonderful sight.I have a friend whos grandson is on there..........glad you are able to make it back in....hope and pray you are able to rest in all of this......
  2. okiechick57

    What ONE person ? good to see you...........what a wonderful gift to have a son that is just like your daddy ! I am more like my dad than I ever thought I would be.........good thing.we carry on ..... hugs glad to see you !
  3. okiechick57

    What ONE person ?

    Quote: I hope you do meet up..........although I think you wont be the only one in line to talk to him
  4. okiechick57

    What ONE person ?

    Quote: special hugs for you wildsky
  5. okiechick57

    What ONE person ?

    Quote: :aww so sorry peeps.......... she knew you loved her .
  6. okiechick57

    What ONE person ?

    I would take inFATuation without the fat you all are to funny..........
  7. okiechick57

    What ONE person ?

    there is a way that seems right unto man but the end is death Excellently put hsm5grls
  8. okiechick57

    What ONE person ?

    That is an awesome story bout your coming to terms with her suicide and where she would go..... God is an awesome God for sure.......thank you for sharing......... I miss my dad to this day........I have told them in a letter a few years before he died.......for that I am grateful....good advice...
  9. okiechick57

    What ONE person ?

    Quote: :aww gritsar......... I have been so close to suicide too many times in my history........... so sorry to hear of all the people who were successful..........the pain you all must feel..... :aww
  10. okiechick57

    What ONE person ?

    Quote: :aww WOW sad that is..........glad you did good after all that........... and here with is so hard to understand sometimes isnt it........
  11. okiechick57

    What ONE person ?

    Quote: :aww you did the best no doubt is what he would say........ I missed being there with my dad while he grew more ill with cancer......and regret it to this day........
  12. okiechick57

    What ONE person ?

    I feel the same way.......... maybe by the time my grandchildren are grown........we will know if it is safe.....
  13. okiechick57

    What ONE person ?

    Quote: It is sad sad isnt it...........but , the question for me is....would I give that shot to my kids right now? without knowing what affects it will have.? how bout you?
  14. okiechick57

    What ONE person ?

    Quote: So sorry Laura.......I went through Cervical Cancer in 99..... I was so fortunate to catch it in time ......... I cannot imagine losing your mom so young :aww
  15. okiechick57

    What ONE person ?

    Quote: That was the first on my mind....but the girl that asked me said ..........someone , on my time I so would not stop talking if I were to run into Jesus.........someday I will....but I have a feeling , I wouldn't want to know what I want to know now
  16. okiechick57

    What ONE person ?

    What one person would YOU pick to talk to.........out of your past.......someone you in passing? I am curious.......this question was asked by a friend of mine recently.......and I still can't decide....... most likely would be my father , he is in heaven...
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