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  1. peachick

    6 blue marans, 6 Exchequers & 6 wheaten ameracauna eggs

    lol you guys! I can do a custom assortment, assuming I have the eggs on hand.
  2. peachick

    6 blue marans, 6 Exchequers & 6 wheaten ameracauna eggs

    yessss I can substitute coronations, sumatra, or my mottled d'uccle eggs
  3. peachick

    6 blue marans, 6 Exchequers & 6 wheaten ameracauna eggs

    I get a lot of requests for a mixed box of eggs. So lets give this a try..... These are 3 of my most popular breeds. This auction is for : 6 blue maran eggs 6 wheaten ameracauna eggs 6 exchequer leghorn eggs This assortment will give you a stunning variety of birds in your yard, as well...
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