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  1. potatoyay

    quail growing up questions (mainly abt food)

    If protein doesn't matter to much and more amino acids, minerals, vitamins, then i might reconsider what i buy? I found a food, but it's only 9% protein and 4% fat. that sounds low but it contains nutrients such as magnesium, vitamin E, lysine, methionine, tryptophan, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5...
  2. potatoyay

    quail growing up questions (mainly abt food)

    I can understand your approach, as they need the high protein for growth and not That's probably why wild birds eat many bugs as young then transition to grains as they grow older. Although during the molt would it be beneficial to provide higher protein to encourage better...
  3. potatoyay

    quail growing up questions (mainly abt food)

    does their protein not much matter as adults?
  4. potatoyay

    quail growing up questions (mainly abt food)

    we are going to have 6 and i already bought the adult food so i don't know. i was worried excess protein will cause kidney failiure?
  5. potatoyay

    quail growing up questions (mainly abt food)

    but shouldn't i switch them to the layer by then?
  6. potatoyay

    quail growing up questions (mainly abt food)

    yes it's game bird starter by hudson feeds
  7. potatoyay

    quail growing up questions (mainly abt food)

    so we hatched 2 coturnix quail they're on starter right now. anyways, when do we start switching them over to the adult food or whatever it is? they really like the game bird chick feed, how will we ensure they eat the adult food and not turn their nose at it? also, i want to ferment the food...
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