quail growing up questions (mainly abt food)


Apr 17, 2023
so we hatched 2 coturnix quail they're on starter right now. anyways, when do we start switching them over to the adult food or whatever it is? they really like the game bird chick feed, how will we ensure they eat the adult food and not turn their nose at it? also, i want to ferment the food like people do for chickens. when would we do that?
There’s some semi recent debate about what protein percentage to feed adults. When I started with quail most people seemed to do game bird crumble from birth to death. So that’s what I’m still doing. It’s a bit more expensive but for two birds the cost is negligible.

If you offer any thing at all besides crumbles be sure to offer grit. It’s essential for their digestion. As far as when to offer fermented feed, I’d say wait till 6 weeks. I don’t believe it will harm them but they grow so rapidly the first few weeks I wouldn’t want to detract from their protein intake.
I feed my chicks 30% protein game bird starter up until around 6 weeks old for those that I plan to keep for eggs. I start offering oyster shell around 5 weeks old and transition them to a 22% protein feed when I see the first egg.
Birds that I'm raising for meat stay on the 30% protein until freezer camp.
You say “starter” it’s gamebird starter right? Not chicken starter?..it makes a difference.. feed high protein gamebird starter until 4.5-5 weeks then start transitioning to layer feed (less protein) chicken/Turkey layer crumble is fine, you can supplement a bit more calcium too.
yes it's game bird starter by hudson feeds
There’s some semi recent debate about what protein percentage to feed adults. When I started with quail most people seemed to do game bird crumble from birth to death. So that’s what I’m still doing. It’s a bit more expensive but for two birds the cost is negligible.

If you offer any thing at all besides crumbles be sure to offer grit. It’s essential for their digestion. As far as when to offer fermented feed, I’d say wait till 6 weeks. I don’t believe it will harm them but they grow so rapidly the first few weeks I wouldn’t want to detract from their protein intake.
we are going to have 6 and i already bought the adult food so i don't know. i was worried excess protein will cause kidney failiure?
so we hatched 2 coturnix quail they're on starter right now. anyways, when do we start switching them over to the adult food or whatever it is? they really like the game bird chick feed, how will we ensure they eat the adult food and not turn their nose at it? also, i want to ferment the food like people do for chickens. when would we do that?
Article 'Japanese Quail Info.' https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/japanese-quail-info.74354/

I feed 30% protein gamebird feed for the first 5-6 weeks then switch them over to 16% chicken layer crumble. I have no issues.
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