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  1. sumi

    Silkie is Broody

    Yes, the hens will lay fertile eggs for 2 weeks after a successful mating. Here's a nice guide to show how to check the eggs for fertility: And do mark the eggs! My MIL didn't and one day she collected...
  2. sumi

    Silkie is Broody

    You have 2 options then. Give her some eggs to hatch or break her broodiness by placing her in a wire bottom cage for a few days, with only food and water. No nesting materials! The average in the cage is 3 days, before the hen gives up. I usually feel sorry for the hens or start thinking about...
  3. sumi

    Silkie is Broody

    Has she been sitting in the nest box since yesterday? She may be broody then. Is she acting broody?
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