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  1. thlayli

    Pullet or Roo? Think breed is EE...?

    Saddle and hackle feathers only start coming in on roosters after about 13 weeks. Some types of chickens can be sexed accurately much earlier based on other characteristics, but there is a breed/gender thread specifically for sexing chicks on this site too. C:
  2. thlayli

    Pullet or Roo? Think breed is EE...?

    EEs are awesome! I hope i havent come across like they're not just because they're not "purebred". Little Gracie should give you some pretty eggs when she's older and lots of affection for her whole life. C: Easter eggers come in a million different coloration; here's a picture of the mixed...
  3. thlayli

    Pullet or Roo? Think breed is EE...?

    You are certainly entitled to do whatever you want with your own time. @Jaquieh Ameraucanas and Araucanas are recognized breeds of chickens that have their own standards of perfection. They also have breeders associations and clubs dedicated to the birds with all the information you could ever...
  4. thlayli

    Pullet or Roo? Think breed is EE...?

    I said MOST EEs are Am mixes. They aren't a breed by any stretch, the only real requirement is they lay colored eggs and that isn't even a guarantee. Since only Cream Legbars, Araucanas, and Ameraucanas produce blue eggs, any blue egg laying chicken will either be one of those breeds or mixed...
  5. thlayli

    Pullet or Roo? Think breed is EE...?

    I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. I'm on a different computer and her feather patterns and colors stand out much more now. Most EEs are Ameraucana mixed with something else. Ameraucanas have pea combs, which is a dominant trait. Your EE looks like it has a single comb, and Legbars have single combs and...
  6. thlayli

    Pullet or Roo? Think breed is EE...?

    I could be very, very wrong, but I think your first chick is a Legbar cross, and your second is an Ameraucanas cross, but either way I think they're both EEs.
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