Picking A Breed:Please Help!

We will be getting a baby pygmy goat and a couple chicks in spring. (this post is not about goats). I was thinking Redstars sex links but I am wanting to show them. I don't think there is anything in The Standard about sex links so I don't think I'll be doing that. Please help. I want a breed that is:
-A Prolific Layer
-Show able(pretty)
-Cold Hardy
and I want it to have a quiet disposition.
Thanks for your help,
I would say Barred Plymouth Rocks, or Partridge Rocks. They are friendly, excellent layers, and cold hardy. Also Welsumers might be a good choice--they don't lay as well though. But their eggs are beautiful and dark-shelled, and they're a unique bird that is really starting to become popular too.
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I would say Barred Plymouth Rocks, or Partridge Rocks. They are friendly, excellent layers, and cold hardy. Also Welsumers might be a good choice--they don't lay as well though. But their eggs are beautiful and dark-shelled, and they're a unique bird that is really starting to become popular too.
I'm with you! I just love my Barred Rocks, they're the best!

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