Sick chicken!!


7 Years
Aug 2, 2016
Prescott AZ
I need some help. My Rhode Island red is sick. She is nine months old. For the last couple weeks when she has lifted her foot, she has been trembling. I also noticed that around her ears
turned white. Now she is isolating from the other chickens – they are picking on her, and she is usually a dominant one. She has not laid in a couple days. I am quarantined her in the garage. She can barely keep her eyes open.


Is she going to die?
I am not an expert, but your chicken might have gotten an infection, You can try some plain yoghurt and then get some antibiotics in the morning. Not knowing the temp there you might want to keep her warm, but not too warm. Chickens don't like letting on that they are week or sick and will do their best to hid it from you, however they can be stronger than you know and recover from some nasty illness. I hope this helps, but keep learning for what backyard has to offer. I lost one chicken, my daughters favorite due to sour crop and we tried everything. My heart goes out to you and I hope she gets better.
I feed her organic layer grains. Recently as a treat – I have fed her scraps of a quesadilla, oatmeal, and some greens.
Okay.....First oatmeal is not good and greens are depending on the amounts.....Crop issues with Chickens happen if fed things that they can not process properly.......Granite grit needs to be consumed......Daily.....Hmmmm? what else?.....

I need some help. My Rhode Island red is sick. She is nine months old. For the last couple weeks when she has lifted her foot, she has been trembling. I also noticed that around her ears
turned white. Now she is isolating from the other chickens – they are picking on her, and she is usually a dominant one. She has not laid in a couple days. I am quarantined her in the garage. She can barely keep her eyes open.

Is she going to die?
Can you give us more information?

What does her poop look like?
Is she drinking or eating at all? What type of food/treats do you feed?
How does her crop feel - empty, full, squishy, doughy, watery - does her breath smell sour?
She hasn't laid an egg in a couple of days - how does her abdomen feel- hard, soft, squishy, fluid filled, bloated?
How long have you have her?
Have you added any new members to your flock in the last 30days?
Any sign of respiratory illness from her or any other member of your flock - coughing, wheezing, sneezing, runny eyes/nose?

Keep her hydrated. If you have them offer some poultry vitamins in her water. Let us know how she's doing.
I checked her crop, it feels empty. Her poop is minimal. Her abdomen doesn't feel too squishy, I checked her vent – no impacted egg. Her breath smells sour. I gave her some mash and hope she Would eat it, but she just puts her beak up to it like she wants to but doesn't swallow anything.

Also, the rest of my flock is sneezing. I got some new chickens about five months ago – they were sneezing and even though I kept them quarantined, my old flock started sneezing as well. They went through around of antibiotics – which seem to help, but with the cold weather, the sneezing has returned. They are not as loud as they used to be with their bawking in the morning. But they don't necessarily look sick, just sneezes. They are all eating and drinking well besides my Rhode Island red here. That being said, they all stopped Laying about a week ago after it snowed. Prior to that, when they did lay eggs – they were a bit bumpy and slightly miss shape in. Nothing too much for alarm – but I noticed.
Thanks so much for your help. Happy new year!

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