Incubatin chicken and turkey eggs together


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
San Diego County
do you know if I can incubate turkey and chicken eggs together? I know chickens hatch in 21 days and tukeys in 28 - so will it damage the turkey embyos when chickens hatch and are removed from the incubator? Thanks.
If you haven't started them yet, and the chicken eggs aren't already too old to do this, start the turkey egg first, then add the chicken eggs a week later, so they all hatch at the same time.

Otherwise, the humidity rise could harm the turkey eggs, if it gets too high. They hatch really well at about 55% though, and that shouldn't hurt the turkeys.

I know some people have done fine with staggered hatches like that.
I bought "chicks", chicken and turkey that had been hatched together and I raised them in the same brooder, then a larger box, then to the coop. All has been going well, however the turkeys now think they are chickens and the chickens think they are turkeys. I wonder if the turkey will taste like chicken this November?
The disease is blackhead.

You may not know there's blackhead in the flock unless you have some turkeys, and they get it. If that happens, you'll know not to do it again. I think it's only young turkeys that are susceptible, but I'm not sure. I don't know if you can eradicate blackhead from a chicken flock, or from the area if you have an outbreak.

If you don't have any chickens carrying blackhead in your flock, it's not a problem. Many raise them together.
Thank you for the replys. I may incubate them together. I have turkeys, chickens, ducks and geese together and have never had any problems with diseases. The only problem I had was the turkeys attacking the rooster - who I doctored and then separated!
my chicken and turkey eggs are staggered, any tips on humidity? what is best to keep it at with both turkey and chicken eggs?
The best way for staggered hatches is to use 2 bators if possible, 1 as an incubator & the other as a hatcher. I move the eggs to the hatcher at lockdown. If it's not possible to use 2 bators then keep humidity as low as possible thru incubation & hatch, 30-40% for incubation & around 50-55% for hatch. Make sure it doesn't go much over 60% at the most. You can open the lid for a few seconds to drop humidity if need be. Just keep an eye on the hatching babies for shrink wrap & moisten membranes if needed.

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