Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Welp, the universe has a funny way of doing things. So I'm in the process of getting my grow out/meat bird pen finished so I can finally evict these darn roosters out to my mom's instead of them being cooped up in my office!

I was at Agway today getting supplies for just that, and a lady heard I was getting chick starter and started up a conversation with me. Turns out she has a broody hen and wants hatching eggs! I said I can absolutely do that, she only wants 6 (I'm okay with that). But now I have to figure out wtf to do as far as price goes. (I started a thread to help figure that out). Worst case scenario I say "Gimme $10 and they're yours"

Because I wanna make back at least some of the money I'd get if I hatched those 6 out myself. (And yes that's still lower than what it would be if I sold the chicks). I may have to attempt to do some math and see what I come up with.
Hello everyone! It's been quite a while since I posted on this thread but I'm hoping that you all can help me to identify some hatching eggs for my two broody ladies, Lady Featherington and Glynda.

We are hoping to find some polish and/or orpington eggs for the ladies to hatch. Does anyone know of any available in Eastern PA?

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