poisonous plants for geese?


11 Years
Apr 14, 2008
Northern Michigan
I want to start planting my garden and need to know.....What plants that are normally kept in a garden that should not be there if I have two geese. I just want to know if there is anything that I should make sure I don't plant if they are going to be in the yard. Are rose bushes okay to have around? Will they hurt themselves on the thorns? I just want to make sure I don't plant anything that may make them sick by mistake. Thank you for any help.
I want to start gardening tomorrow so I'm hoping someone can give me an answer tonight. Roses good? Bad? Help!!!
For the most part, geese seem to prefer narrow leaved plants such as grass (and small corn plants). My geese never mess with my roses... they actually seem to be pretty picky about what they eat (a little less picky in the fall when everything is drying up and turning brown). As long as you have grass around, they probably won't mess much with what you plant.
I would not worry about the roses - I do not think they would be bad for the geese, and other than the flowers (which are fine to eat), I am not sure they would have much interest in the rest of the plant.

If it were me, I would stay away from the most poisonous decorative plants like foxglove, for just in case the geese do take interest. And the leaves on tomatoes, and potatoes are dangerous as well.

Have fun gardening!
Thank you!! I love foxglove and was thinking of planting some!! If I do it will be no where near where the geese are. I'll plant potatos and tomatos somewhere else also... Thank you so much. I was just worried they may try eatting anything around and didn't want to plant anything that may hurt them.
Please know that gooseberry bushes are toxic. It doesn't talk about this anywhere, but it's true. They contain oxalates.
Here is a list for you.

Other than potatoes and tomato leaves in gardens, also watch out for Rhubarb... the leaves are poisonous to everyone, even geese.
can you possibly recommend some safe plants and vines? The list of toxic plants is some what easy to follow but I do have two Live Oaks in the back and some jasmine. Should I be worried? I hear geese are picky and won’t usually eat toxic plants in the first place. I hope that’s true!! I can’t find any info on Dusty Miller, Bulbvine, or purple pin cushion plants. I saw that English ivy is bad but what about fig ivy or cucumber vines? Any ides? I want her safe. Thanks in advance.

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