I have become... a nestbox? o.O


Fuzzy Feather Fanatic
Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Jun 9, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
First let me explain our setup. The nestboxes are a stand-alone structure that can be removed completely from the coop without tools. The structure sticks out about a yard from the wall of the coop. I keep my fresh straw bale in the corner between the nestboxes and the front of the coop for easy access.
Well, this morning after finishing my chores I was sitting next to the straw with a gap between my back and the nestboxes, when all of the sudden I felt someone bump against my back. I looked over my shoulder to see this:

This is Twisty, a normally unfriendly Rhodie girl who never comes to me for attention. I was confused at first, but then I heard her make the little chirping sound that some of my girls make when they enter the nest and the fact that I was next to a straw bale made the pieces fall together in my mind. And I laughed and just relished in the fact that she was nest-dazed enough for me to snuggle her a little.
Obviously, though, I didn't want her laying an egg right there in the middle of the coop. When I stood up, she was still rather nest-dazed, enough that I managed this nice picture of her:

It's amazing to me how fast you can go from being the treatbringer or the attention-giver to being a perch (or a nestbox) with these birds.
Anyone else have a similar story?

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