Do I NEED to remove this duck egg? Odd colouring showing through shell...


9 Years
Feb 12, 2010
Hi everyone

It's my first time incubating and I have duck and guinea fowl eggs set. I know I have a few good duck eggs developing so I am hoping to get at least one to hatch.

I am on day 18. Lock down will be next Sunday (duck eggs.. longer hatch time)

Tonight when turning the eggs I noticed that one duck egg had a sort of grey and blotchy appearance. Like I could see something dark inside the shell.... or like the shell was going and off sort of colour.

This egg is one that I have deemed a 'dud' since my first candling on day 6. At this time I could see a large mass... but no veins. I have never seen any movement or veining in this egg and when I last candled it the mass inside has turned into a horse shoe shape and no action to be seen.

When I noticed the shell colour I whipped the egg out to quickly candle it. It looks kind of spotty and gross inside with a mass to one side. The only movement I could see was some of the spotty bits moving.. and that was only if I was moving the egg.

I was going to candle once more before lock down and remove any that I could confirm were no good but the fact this has a grey blotchy appearance from outside the shell has me worried.

Should I remove this egg now? I don't want to compromise any of the healthy eggs by having one explode. None of the eggs that are developing with happy moving babies inside have this shell colour thing happening!
Well I didn't use the term 'NOW' too literally! lol... I got swept up in some work so they egg is still in the bator. The float test seems like a good idea. The more I learn from this hatch the better!
Does it smell? It sure sounds like one I had here that started weeping, thankfully I got it out before it decided to blow completely but it reaked once it started weeping. :sick Now I toss eggs that smell as soon as I notice them.
The egg didn't seem to smell at all... but I took it out today anyway. I cracked it open inside an old sandwich bag and
I'm glad I didn't have to smell the contents! They looked bad enough!! No development just grossness!

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