2.5 week old RIR and barred rocks


8 Years
Nov 18, 2011
. i want one rooster from each breed and would like to give away any extras while they are still young and easy to give away.

now for the RIR i have 24 of them that ive hatched and seems that they have all developed at the same rate. is it my luck i have all pullets or is this breed harder to sex ? actually they look to be productions?
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The reds will be a little tougher, but the BRs will be a cinch at 5 weeks. At five weeks, the cockerel BR is bright, wide white stripes and will already have pink to his comb and tiny wattles forming. The pullet BR at 5 weeks is very yellow in the comb, no pink wattle formation and very dark, with white only being specks more than bars. This is typical of hatchery quality

The Red color chicks look like Production Red chicks and not Rhode Island Reds. They have way to much White in them to be a Rhode Island Red and the amount of White in them makes me think there Production Reds cockerels.

isnt the color sexing only on the sex link chicks?

Actually, the Barred Rocks and Dominique are a kind of feather auto-sexing. The hatched chick has a head spot. The cockerels head spot is irregular, while the pullets have a small, round head spot. This is not sex link differentiating, but just using the natural, auto sexing feature the breed has. At five weeks of age, as the chicks feather out, we get yet another auto sexing opportunity to see the differences in the pullet vx the cockerel. As I said above, the difference is start and not difficult to see. I use the Barred Rock as an example because I have raised them for decades and am most familiar with them.

Really, really keen eyes are also able to see small differentiation between the sexes in the feather patterns in other breeds as well. The secondary sex characteristics come later, ie, pointed feathers, combs, wattles, saddle feathers, etc.
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