They're here! Welsh Harlequin, Golden 300 Hybrid, Black Swedish - Meet WO!


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Sep 25, 2007
I've got two Welsh, one Golden 300, and one Black Swedish (I admit it - I ordered the Black Swedish because the Metzer website indicated there is a 30% chance it will lay a green/blue egg. Doubt I could possibly be that lucky, but they're beautiful ducks anyway, so I win either way!). A friend ordered 8 White Chinese goslings so we combined the order - he'll pick them up Saturday.

Here are pics, I apologize for the quality - my camera doesn't do the greatest on brooder pics for some reason. Here's the box they came in - the poor goslings were right up against the top!

Inside of box - I ordered the green gel to they'd have something to eat along the was COMPLETELY gone:

Brooder babies - wonder what that nice, clean towel will look like by the time I get home from work tonight?

Okay, the feetsies of the Black Swedish are ADORABLE - splotchy - will they stay that way?

Thanks for sharing in my joy!
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I've got two Welsh, one Golden 300, and one Black Swedish (I admit it - I ordered the Black Swedish because the Metzer website indicated there is a 30% chance it will lay a green/blue egg. Doubt I could possibly be that lucky, but they're beautiful ducks anyway, so I win either way!). A friend ordered 8 White Chinese goslings so we combined the order - he'll pick them up Saturday.

Here are pics, I apologize for the quality - my camera doesn't do the greatest on brooder pics for some reason. Here's the box they came in - the poor goslings were right up against the top!

Inside of box - I ordered the green gel to they'd have something to eat along the was COMPLETELY gone:

Brooder babies - wonder what that nice, clean towel will look like by the time I get home from work tonight?

Okay, the feetsies of the Black Swedish are ADORABLE - splotchy - will they stay that way?

Thanks for sharing in my joy!
Don't know if the feet will stay that way but I can sure tell you they are adorable, and I think you can tell the geese from the ducks right?
Hi, friends! Sorry I haven't been back on to say thank you for your kind comments, my world is crazy right now!

SOOOO happy to hear the Black Swedish's little flippers will still have the little black dots that they have now! SO darn cute!

For sure, those goslings are WAY bigger than the ducklings. HONKING HUGE in fact, and apparently White Chinese are one of the smaller goose breeds!
Their down feels almost like felt rather than soft/fluffy like chick down.

The two Welsh Harlequins have interesting bills - both are sort of greenish yellow, and one has a black dot on it, and the other has a sort of stripe down the middle. I wonder if they, like the feet, will retain the markings? The hybrid layer's beak is almost solid colored, but those 3 look very similar in coloring right now. Of course, the Black Swedish stands out like a sore thumb, but that little gal is SO laid back right now! When I picked them up this morning to remove their leg bands, the Harlequins & hybrid all screamed like I was pulling their toenails out! The Swedish just sort of looked at me.

They're messy, but not quite as messy as I had thought they would be - I have them on towels. They all know the food dish, and so I think I'm going to go ahead & remove the towels tonight & put them onto shavings. I am just enamored with these little birds!
They are cute!

What genders? All girls? The welsh harlequins bills will be either black, or yellow if their hens. Green if males. That is when their adults. Congrats! Their very cute! I'm waiting for my order of Welsh harlequins, and silkies from holderreads. should be here tomorrow.... I hope...
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Hi, Duckgirl! My ducklings are all females. I believe Holderreads has better quality stock, but I wanted them sexed, so got them from Metzer.

Okay, I got some cute pics! All taken last night, 3 days old. Here we go -

Welsh Harlequins

Welsh Harlequin with a spot on her bill:

Welsh Harlequin with stripe on her bill - what a good little poser!

Here is the Golden 300 Hybrid:

And last but of course not least, the Black Swedish with the CUTSEY FLIPPERS!

My word, this little gals is cute! Check out this head:

I'm enamored with these little gals! (I need to crop those pics....but couldn't wait to share!)
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