Columbian Wyandotte - pullet or cockerel - Updated pics


8 Years
Feb 8, 2011
Central Oregon
So I know it's really early to tell, but I'm very suspicious about this chick. 7 days old today, larger than the others by 15-25%, the wing feathers are noticeably shorter than it's hatch mates and the comb is noticeably larger/wider... Supposed to be a pullet, but I'm wondering if it's a cockerel. Doesn't really matter, I have lots of room and no restriction (so dangerous!), just fun to guess.

1st pic is a group shot, you can see the suspect chick in the center. 2nd shot is suspect chicks wing extended, still working on that first row of feathers. 3rd shot is a hatch mate, they are all well into their second row of feathers.

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It's hard to tell with them still being so little (s/he was 2oz yesterday, the others are 1-1/2 to 1-3/4 ounces), but everything about this one seems to be just a bit bigger. The comb was what really caught my eye though, I didn't even notice it until I was going through some pics, then it jumped right out at me compared to the others.
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Updated pics, anyone want to guess now? Chicks are now 4 1/2 weeks old, the one in question is the scraggly looking one that is way behind it's hatch mates in feathering out, with the orange leg band. And yes, I am keeping a close eye on the leg bands, they will be changed on Monday when everyone gets weighed, if not before, but they all still free rotate on the legs so nothing is too tight.

Edited to add age
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Updated pics, anyone want to guess now? Chicks are now 4 1/2 weeks old, the one in question is the scraggly looking one that is way behind it's hatch mates in feathering out, with the orange leg band. And yes, I am keeping a close eye on the leg bands, they will be changed on Monday when everyone gets weighed, if not before, but they all still free rotate on the legs so nothing is too tight. :p Edited to add age
I think it's a male. The crest looks a bit bigger than the others. That's just my guess.

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