Any ideas on the future color of these Cochins?


10 Years
May 4, 2012
Keller, VA
I bought these 4 Cochins from the farm store last week. They came in when I was there. They came in from Ideal Hatchery.
I picked the odd colored one from the mied nes as I really didn't want red, buff, or white. However, I might change my mind! I only plan to keep 1 hen in the end anyway from these. Can anyone tell the colors?
The first one looks white to me. The black looking place on that wing is actually the wood showing through from behind and I did get to close. If they are too blurry, I will shoot them again.

I didn't figure buff but that is ok. The black has white feathers in it's wings. Think that will molt out?
Never had cochins, but any black birds I've had have (BA and Seramas) always had white feathers in their wings initially - it's strange how that works. I'd guess that one will be the same way.
OK Great! I guess that tells me too why my Australorp pullet has that one white feather in her wing. She is about 4 months old.
I saw a lavender Orpington at the first and only chicken swap a couple of months ago. I thought the color was beautiful!! Would be nice if one was lavender...but then with my luck, it would be a roo!

I tried to pick the oddest colors in the batch hoping I would get some of the more unusual colors.
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