Getting ready to start - have some concerns

Really great chicken toy site, Sumi, thanks! I am going to try this one tomorrow: "Roll a pine cone in peanut butter then in bird seed and hang where the birds can peck the goodies off".
I just got back from my trip, all was okay with the girls, my neighbor took care of them. Coco, who had been afraid of the newcomers and stayed up on the roost all day now fends for herself, I even saw her fighting others off when I tossed them some half eaten fruit (a 3yo will do that often).
One of the newcomers, Cottage (she is white-gray) now sleeps in the nesting box. I noticed before I left that she would be the first up on the roost at dusk. She is the runt of the pack, the lowest and chased by the others. I need to keep her out of the nesting box, so tonight I will put a soccer ball in the bucket nesting box to keep her out, and help her up on the roost if I see she has problems. I will observe all of them at dusk to see why this started to happen.
Any ideas?
Today I came home from work a bit early (3:30 pm) so I had about an hour till dusk to let the girls out. Here are some pictures from this expedition, including the dogs and olive picking.

The dogs all on leashes.

Apple was the first one out

Free ranging at last.


Why did the chickens cross the grass? To get to the other side!

Are they brave or stupid? Venturing closer and ....

Attack! It was hilarious the little terrier has almost no teeth! DD restrained her in a second. The other 2 that I was more concerned with didn't get involved.

Did they learn their lesson? No, they were back right away! I sure learned a lot though!

My assertive dog whisperer.

Apple eats an apple.

Apple jumps for an apple

And what was I up to through all of this? Well other than keeping a clam watchful eye, intervening only when necessary, and taking pictures, I picked a bucket full of olives.

At dusk the chickens all went back into the coop and we took the long awaiting dogs out for a walk.
Yesterday, while we were working on the coop, one of the chickens got out, and the Golden Retriever was in the yard. He followed her for a moment, curious and then went back to his own business. I the afternoon I free-ranged the chickens with the dogs on leash but not tied up, rather dragged behind on the floor just so that I could grab a leash if something happens. Nothing did. They were totally uninterested in the chickens and the chickens stayed on the side of the yard where the coop is situated for the winter.
Today I free ranged them with the Golden off the leash. He walked over to sniff an one point but for the most part, was uninterested in them. The Spaniel was locked in the house and I decided to leave him there till I am sure about the other 2. I let the little Terrier out but left her on leash like yesterday. She too was totally uninterested.
I will not let them free range unattended (so that means only on weekends, sorry girls), but I feel much better about this. I still need to see how the Spaniel will react. I will free range the chickens with him on the leash alone, pack mentality is something I'd want to avoid. He is the one I fear most since he used to kill kittens and catch pigeons when he was younger.
I still don't know what to do about the neighbor's dog, she is uncontrollable and I am now sure she is the one that killed my first pack, leaving only 1 survivor.

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