

7 Years
Aug 20, 2012
Look I just want to start a thread about quails

You can say anything you might have one have pics of one know facts

I have 2 quails and I want more!
Hello and welcome to BYC
Have a look at the Quail section. Lots of quail owners here. They are adorable little birds and I'm thinking of getting some myself.
THats great
Next week I am geting my silkies so existed
And to add to my birds I have loads when I mean loss I mean 20 birds I have budgies cockatiels and the quail!:lol:
I actually have 2 males who live together if anybody would like to take them from me i can't keep them anymore and they are pretty calm i hatched them from chicks one is the standard blue breasted quail, and the other is a grey color. I live in NJ and can't ship but please contact me if you are interested in taking one or both!
Well I am interested in them but one problem I don't like any where near u! It's like a 12 hour flight!:(
thanks to quail chick and others for their answers about large bags of manna pro.
i tried our local feed mill's store brand. yuck, it made my quail's droppings smell like dog poop!! i then went to the other feed mill near me and they have nature wise.
they said my quails are still young enough(almost 4 months) to stay on the growth formula. what a difference! the smell is much less. i keep my quails inside as pets. so smell is a giant factor. just found out the hard way that metal rabbit cages are hard on quail feet..ihave a friend who is a wildlife rehabber. my avian vet is on vacation. she said to use terry cloth towels in the bottom of cage and apply udder balm so the sore feet problem goes away. i feel sad that my ignorance caused my babies to get sore feet:( looks like i'll be washing a lot of towels, but that's better than sore feet.
Chickcommander : Quail are easy and fun. They dont need much space. Can live inside or out. They dont often smoke or cuss. Very cute and docile birds and their eggs are wonderful to eat. If you want some hatching eggs, PM me and I will send you a carton for free.

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