Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I got 30 zinnias planted in the middle of the big garden bed. (I'll post a picture later). My knee was grinding and hurting as I bent over to plant them. I'm chilling it down with an ice pack now. I'll pick lettuce tomorrow...

I got three of the raised beds watered with the hose. I'll get the last one watered later today. It's supposed to reach the low 80s for the next three days.

ETA: Here are the zinnias I planted today. There's still a little room left around the perimeter of the bed to plant a few more veggies.

IMG_4336.JPG IMG_4341.JPG
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Hey Good morning we are dry what other states do not know how great it is here no humidity.
Upper 70's here today.

80° and 49% here.

No humidity is what Mom gets on the east side. There's a reason her wooden shed with no foundation from the 70s is still good. She hits the single digits in humidity during summer sometimes. Teens is normal. Getting nosebleeds from it happens.

I prefer the moderate humidity on this side. No trouble breathing because it isn't high. Also not as hot
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